Nov 2, 2023

Pinsley Sees Another Opportunity For Publicity

Mark Pinsley is suing the local Republican Committee for defamation because they sent out a brochure supposedly describing him as pro-Hamas. As an independent, I did not see the flyer, but I certainly noticed the Morning Call picture of Pinsley at the Gaza rally. 

I remember when Pinsley stood with protestors against the South Whitehall Police Department, after the shooting at Dorney Park, when a man was terrifying drivers on Hamilton Blvd. He was jumping on car roofs and pounding on the windshields of women drivers. The reason I remember the incident so well was that Pinsley was then only recently elected as a South Whitehall Commissioner, and accordingly I thought he was on the wrong side of that line. 

Pinsley claims that the flyer makes him look like a "self hating" Jewish man.  Maybe he could sue himself for being there?

You can always count on Pinsley running for higher office and conducting publicity stunts.

photo/The Morning Call


  1. More on Pinsley’s radical positions later, but I couldn’t help but notice that the newspaper article mentioned that Pinsley is represented by Attorney Matthew Mobilio.

    I seem to remember a radical, highly-partisan South Whitehall Commissioner named Matthew Mobilio who resigned from the SWT Board after posting on Facebook that all Trump supporters “should be hung for treason.” Could Pinsley’s attorney be the same Matthew Mobilio?

    If so, it would seem that Pinsley has found the perfect teammate to file highly-partisan, frivolous lawsuits ahead of Election Day.

  2. Does the lawsuit also challenge the fact that in the early days following the Covid shutdown, Pinsley pushed a proposal to RAISE county property taxes AND implement a NEW county sales tax?

    Can you imagine the warped thinking that would be needed to propose something like that? Increasing taxes on people when they were unable to go to work?

    How out-of-touch can you be?

  3. anon@3:55: Mobilio as a SWT commissioner also wondered aloud how the township could get "out from under their obligation to preserve Wehr's Dam" IMO, Mobilio and Pinsley rate among the worst commissioners the township ever had.

  4. According to the MC article:

    “Pinsley acknowledged Wednesday he attended the rally, during which residents held signs decrying Israel’s occupation of Palestine and the genocide of civilians.”

    So right after the worst attack on Jews since the Holocaust, Pinsley attends a rally decrying ISRAEL? But he somehow doesn’t think that should be construed as Pro-Hamas?

    And as you also noted, Pinsley has been on the wrong side of the police issue numerous times, including the incident outside of Dorney Park.

    What an incredible lack of judgement on Pinsley’s part! I can certainly understand why he’s trying to run away from his actions before the election.

    I hadn’t gotten the mailer in question either, so I certainly appreciate Pinsley and his attorney bringing this extra publicity to Pinsley’s ignorant and radical positions on these matters before I vote on Election Day.

  5. anon@4:17: Although the suit and publicly doesn't help him with our vote, I suspect that it will help him overall. Unfortunately his position may be in line with popular sentiment.

    1. I’m sure his opinion is in line with the radical left, but I prefer to believe that there are still enough decent people left that can recognize true evil and will vote against those supporting it.

      That Pinsley chose to call even more attention to his shameful positions leads me to wonder if his race isn’t closer than expected, and that he needs to try to rally his hate-filled base to try to counter it.

      My hope is that good-minded independents, republicans, and democrats repudiate the policies that Pinsley is promoting, and throw him out of office.

  6. Pinsley and his party defame their political opponents routinely and savagely. Now they cry foul over a flyer that merely points out that Pinsley, the county controller attended a rally that was clearly in favor of the elimination of Israel and the Jews who live there. That was his choice and he was called on it. Now he's crying like a baby, they can sure dish it out but they can't take it.

    1. And just today we learn that a county record $50,000 contribution to Pinsley’s PAC came from the attorney representing the families making the medical abuse allegations against LVH. That’s the “audit” Pinsley just conducted last month.

      It would appear that Pinsley sold his office for personal gain. He should be sharing a cell with FedEd.

  7. The other candidate on the infamous Gaza rally ad is far left extremist Jon Irons, a candidate for Lehigh County Commissioner who worked hand in hand on with Lower Macungie Township resident "Queen of the Cul-de-Sac" Imogene Wirth on the ill-conceived referendum to force Allentown to send social workers out on police calls in Allentown. Wirth opts to live in a nearly all white community/school district with no local property tax and relies on state taxpayers to provide her idyllic suburb with police service. Irons, a non-Allentown resident as well, has worked on efforts to defund our police department and runs combined political ads with CeCe Gerlach. I really hope dubious voters do not accidentally elect Irons to County Commissioner, his views are way too far left for county wide office.
