Nov 21, 2023

Lunch At Dieruff

When I saw the new principal's picture, bow tie and all, I thought the kids at Dieruff  will eat him for lunch. Then, when I read about his background teaching culture,  I wasn't sure that he would even make into the building.  However, with some more research by the blog staff, we think that Mr. Schmidt may do just fine.

We know that being a principal at a high school in Allentown is no cake walk. His predecessor left under murky circumstances. In addition to the student challenge,  the board and administration don't have a supportive reputation.

An article in the Morning Call mentions that the interim principal at Dieruff is well liked by students and staff alike.  They also mention that there will now be a search for a new principal at William Allen. One wonders why not place Mr Schmidt at Allen, and make the popular interim official principal at Dieruff?

Another alternative for Allen might be myself. I remember in mid-1960's, during my last expulsion, it was said that nobody ever spent more time in the principal's office than me.

Anywho, we wish Mr. Schmidt well in his new pursuit.


  1. Mike, I think we all know the answer to your question.

  2. I too thought Mr. Schmidt’s photo predicted the outcome, but I also looked up his background and I think it might work. I too am sorry that he’s not going to Allen. I think he will be able to unite teachers. From what I hear from teachers, Superintendent Birk has let teachers know that their relationship with her will be adversarial, since she views teachers as the problem. I hope Birk is more welcoming to Schmidt than she has been to teachers in the district. From what I found, he’s got the educational experience without suing any of his previous employers.

  3. Well, from having read about the ASD in your blog for a number of years, Im convinced that it doesn't matter who they place in any school. This district has long ago swirled around and down the toilet, and we all know there ain't n reversing that process.

  4. anon@1:21: actually I remain much more optimistic. While I question decisions by the board/administration, when I drive by and see the band kids practicing on Linden Street, as they have since 1940, I still see much potential.

  5. Only got to Principal’s office one time at AHS. Deserved it and outcome was Chips Bartholomew was very fair and returned me to class.This was after my father had to bring me in. Same teacher my father had twenty some years early.
