Oct 16, 2023

New Fight For MsPhoebe

Hasshan Batts has become the darling of the establishment. Money flows his way from the city, state and Washington. They take his Promise Neighborhoods as a legitimate solution to local violence, despite record homicides continuing....never let reality interfere with political correctness.

The local media has been featuring Batts in their essays on solitary confinement.  They omit mention of why he was in prison, or why he was given solitary while there. He is the poster boy for the progressive establishment, but more literally the billboard face.

Phoebe Harris isn't a shy woman. Originally empowered by an appointment to the city Human Relations Board by Pawlowski, she has parlayed that appointment to being on the Allentown School Board and a position with the local NAACP.

Harris is now claiming that she was bullied by a Promise official, and Promise has now set their sights on her...they want her removed from the School Board.  I have no knowledge of what actually occurred between Harris and the Promise person, but I've known Phoebe Harris long enough to know that she doesn't stand down.

image from Harris facebook page


  1. First of all your elimination of the good Doctor Batts's hard earned honorific is a clear sign of disrespect. Lucky for you Dr. Batts is a reformed returned citizen because when he was a victim of mass incarceration he did not suffer fools kindly.

    Violence interruption takes time we are dealing with decades of systemic oppression, you had your turn now enjoy the view from a permanent roost in the peanut gallery you ancient nattering Nabob.

    1. If your so bold to express your views why hide behind an alias. You are most likely apart of the kool-aid drinking brainwashed followers. Other than himself name an individual under the good "Dr" who has achieved success or benefited from his leadership...we will all wait.

    2. I'm curious what honorific actions give the good doctor the right to bully community leaders, elected officials but more specifically woman! It seems it's a patern for him and his organization.

    3. Violence interruption definitely takes time. However it requires action. It requires humility. It does not however need the posers and money grubbers of the orange shirt thugs.
      They are simply a group of thugs making money off of the oppressed and misfortune of others. They all just changed the game not the hustle.

  2. A battle between two shameless users is always amusing, the best outcome would be that they both lose respect and disappear. Sadly the best outcomes rarely happen in Allentown.

  3. Excellent post and judging by the first comment it would seem like your spot-on assessment struck a nerve.

    One suggestion: You mention Batts is the "poster boy" for progressive establishment, then say that perhaps "billboard face" would be a better description.

    Why not keep it straightforward and just say that Batts is the "mugshot" for the progressive establishment? That seems more appropriate.

  4. anon@1:12: I notice that you too are not using your name. On that note, I received another anonymous comment contending that some members of Batts' staff were "co-defendants". I'm not inclined to publish criminal records of people not primary subjects of the post, and certainly not from an anonymous source.

  5. We continue to honor ''Dr Batts'' as a educated professional (DOCTOR) with no proof of his education. We can all reform and make changes but we cannot forget that once upon a time, Batts had kids selling drugs on the street! Batts filled the streets with drugs and RUINED many many families. The violence today is the backlash of all the drugs he sold on the streets. How many OFFICERS were assaulted and disrespected by his crew and gang members. Would we have forgiven so easily a child pedophile and awarded him with millions in tax payer dollars to fund his and his families lifestyle? Is there a difference between a pedophile who lures children for sexual engagement and one who lures them for manipulation and drug scandals? Are people really this confused.? Has social media taken over that we cant clearly see a SCAM ARTIST! Promise Neighborhoods has brain washed the people of Allentown with promises they never intend to make due on. Where does Hassan currently live? Is this upgrade due to the many funds provided by the city? I work with the YOUTH in Allentown and they dont even know who he is... The youth that is signed up for their programs are the children of their staff members. This isnt for the community! This is NOT beneficial NOR is it a poster board for reform. This is a poster board for how to get back at the system Legally and make millions.

    1. Anon@2:53: I agree that Batts and Promise Neighborhoods is on the receiving end of far too much funding and expectation. However, this post notes a dustup between Harris and a Promise worker, and Promise's request for her removal from the school board. While more detailed info on that issue is welcome, I will not be hosting any more comments on Batts' education or background.

  6. It's pitiful. Ms. Harris was chased down by 2 staff members of the so called anti violence organization. Batts held back his male staff member while the female yelled obscenities and said we'll see you at the school district. They are known for redirecting focus from them to point blame or incite violence. A few months back the behaved similar at city council and blamed the citizens for their bad behavior. The must be stoped. But don't think they will. The community stands with Ms. Harris a true voice of the people.

  7. How are those being PAID to stand up against violence - CREATING DIVISION, RACISM, INTIMIDATING various people on the school board and in many organizations. Ms Phoebe has been HARASSED, INTIMIDATED and BULLIED by Batts and his street crew. Allentown doesn’t need this. Batts and the rest need to be voted off all boards for intimidation, harassment and abuse of power towards women!

    1. That in itself lies the problem. The same flock flock together. Gregory Edward's chairs the broken promises board and the good not so good dr chairs his. Batts wife is the unqualified Executive Director of the 8 week summer program earing a healthy 6 figured salary. Each of the boards hold the same members where the each vote to fund eachother. Batts and a few of his cronies sit on funding selection committees for The United Way. Why is all this relevant because this is why and how they are able to bully the people of this community. GOOD people like Phoebe. They are gatekeepers, secret keepers, liars, and thugs hiding behind there funders with everyone yo scared to call them put on there actions fear of being labeled.

  8. Anon 8:42 said: “Ms Phoebe has been HARASSED, INTIMIDATED and BULLIED by Batts and his street crew. Allentown doesn’t need this.”

    Let’s put this in the proper perspective. Batts is being PAID by the City of Allentown to harass, intimidate and bully “Ms. Phoebe” (and others).

    Now Mayor Tuerk is proposing to raise our property taxes so they city can CONTINUE to pay Batts to harass, intimidate and bully “Ms. Phoebe”.

    By all means, put the blame on Batts and his people for what they are doing. But share it with the Mayor and his spineless city council who are too afraid to pull Batts’ funding.

    A budget is a document that shows one’s priorities. The Mayor and City Council are showing us theirs. We all need to shut up and obey, or the will sic their enforcers on us.

    I guess that includes “Ms. Phoebe”.

    1. Spot on. As many have witnessed on social media post city administration has found interesting ways to fund the bully program. It's called the Civic Engagement funds! This is where the " good dr" and his goons are paid from. It's no secret Tuerk doesn't like Harris so her accusations make total sense and there retaliation makes even more sense. But unfortunately it will continue.

  9. Congratulations to Phoebe. The school board decided enough was enough.
