Oct 10, 2023

Capernaum By The Sea

Matthew 4:13: And leaving Nazareth, he came and dwelt in Capernaum,...

Capernaum, the city of Jesus, is on the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee. The foundation of the Synagogue of Jesus, is beneath the ornate 4th century synagogue, partially restored by the Franciscans in the early 1900's.
Mark 1:21: he entered into the synagogue and taught
Nearby, the modern Church of St. Peter's House was built by the Franciscans in 1990. It's glass floor reveals the lower walls of the 5th century octagon church, which was built around the walls of St. Peter's House. Also there, shown in the photograph, is the Greek Orthodox Church of the Twelve Apostles. It was built in 1931, during the British Mandate period (1917-1948).

reprinted from November of 2010

ADDENDUM OCTOBER 10, 2023:Over the years I have written numerous posts about the Holy Land.  While most concern sites from the Old Testament, some, such as this, dwell on the Christian period. 

My intention yesterday and today was to provide a venue where people might express themselves about current events in Israel/Gaza. When the left mentions occupation, they are referring to Israeli settlements on the West Bank. The problem for Israel is that when Palestinians use the term, they are referring to the east bank, or Israel itself. For Israel it is an issue of survival.


  1. "My intention yesterday and today was to provide a venue where people might express themselves about current events in Israel/Gaza."

    Since you asked, I have many emotions about what's going on in Israel:

    The first is a Sickening Sadness at the senseless loss of truly innocent life and the brutality of those who committed the horrible acts we've seen over the last few days.

    Next is Anger over those in this country who are protesting not against Hamas, but against Israel. I could only wish that they would receive a taste of the same brutality that the innocent civilians in Israel did.

    Frustration and more Anger at those here at home who helped make the attacks in Israel possible by releasing a massive amount of funds to the nation that is financing the attacks (Iran). How could anyone who supported releasing those funds not have known this would happen?

    Then there is the Disappointment that so many in this country who claim to support Israel will instead vote (and will continue to vote) against those in office who actually support Israel. They voted (and will continue to vote) for those who released funding to Iran, and the political party that accepts members of Congress in their ranks who support those responsible for the murders. The choice was never clearer, and results of their choices all too predictable.

    Deep Concern that the American homeland is also a target of those responsible for the attacks in Israel. Instead of preparing for this inevitability, the current Administration in the U.S. continues to keep our borders open. What happened in Israel is a foreshadowing of what will happen here. It's not a question of if, but when.

    I wish I knew what would wake people up to this reality so they would act (and vote) accordingly.

  2. anon@6:27: Although you took my invitation as a partisan opportunity to attack the current Democrat administration here in the U.S.A, the reality in Israel is a very hard right government, which promoted its ability to defend. In regard to aid to Iran, the Hamas attack was very low-tech. There will be much blame in Israel, but it won't be toward American voters.

    1. Mike, I listened to the news all day yesterday which included informed people on the ground in Israel. This was a very well coordinated military operation, the attack on the outdoor concert is a perfect example of commando tactics. High tech drones are employed by Hamas and have taken our Israel tanks. They were also used to Hamas to take out border wall security towers, blinding the JDF of quick follow up with construction bulldozers to tear huge gaps in the wall for Hamas militants to pour thought. Their was also expert opinion the the ISF was blinded by a sophisticated computer hack. The only thing low tech about this was the face to face brutality of the slaughter of men, women, and children. Even many of these were filmed on the victims cell phones then gleefully posted on the victims social media. Of course Iran is behind all this, they and Hamas are proud of their achievements here and no doubt they plans more, much more.

  3. This is not a land dispute, the hatred of the Jews precedes the creation of the state of Israel. Hamas that now controls Gaza seeks the destruction not only of the Jewish state but Jews themselves. This is pure, raw anti-Semitism that top many on the left are supporting and cheering. Here is a link to the Hamas covenant. https://irp.fas.org/world/para/docs/880818a.htm

  4. I share the thoughts of 6:27. It’s clear, both of us have taken the time to examine news media reports from a wide variety of sites, not all of them household names.

    It’s easy to pronounce “I oppose the killing of innocent people.” Duh.
    Our, “Our hearts and prayers, etc.”

    Unfortunately, the key is to understand what makes it possible for any of us to suffer such savage behavior at this point in human history.

    Even more important, how better to use our resources so as not to see those same resources used by maniacs who intend to randomly harm others.

    We KNOW the tools of destruction. We just aren’t doing a good enough job guarding their use in monstrous ways. We KNOW the components of a more secure home. Yet, we sometimes are lax in implementing them.

    Media propaganda and censorship make the task of discernment a challenge. The America public doesn’t always receive accurate information before choosing.
