Sep 8, 2023

The Turning Point At City Council

As a blogger/journalist I'm at a table for one. No one accuses me of having favorite politicans or favorite anything...I can't be counted on to take a predictable viewpoint, so most officials have no use for me. However, I do get contacted by activists now and then, willing to roll the dice that I will see things their way. I think that this post may equally offend all. 

The Discrimination Resolution was never in doubt, because of the math. Hendricks proclaimed before the discussion that he would vote against it, and Affa often shares his sentiments on such things. Even if Napoli joined them, co-sponsors Zucal and Gerlach could count on Santos and Mota. Before the Discrimination Issue reached discussion, Tuerk called on Karen Ocasio from HR to explain procedure on sick days. His introduction of her demonstrated that people of color were in positions of regard within city hall. 

The meeting progressed through the various resolutions on the agenda, leaving the investigation of discrimination until last. When Karen Ocasio stood up again to speak, this time as an employee of color who felt victimized, I think that Hendricks and Tuerk knew that they had no chips left to play. 

Photo shows Ocasio walking past Tuerk after testifying about what she felt as harassment in city hall.


  1. Watching things fall locally, state, and national, I’ve got to say “people of color” have been doing quite nicely as this nation is purposely being torn apart. It’s time for everyone to learn personal responsibility for their own behavior and any disappointments that might be created by their actions.

    The government can’t be our Mommy all through life.

    Seeing racism in everything has become boring and tedious for many around those who watch these situations unfold. The shock value is gone.

  2. Want to feel sorry for Matt? Don't! Instead ask Matt how does it feel to be slandered as an associate of racism? I'm sure he's not enjoying it, especially as the charge is false. Perhaps now Matt may begin to comprehend the hurt pain of those who have been slurred in similar fashion by his party. For decades his party has used slurs and slander as a preferred political weapon to destroy political opposition. I was labeled a racist because I spoke up, Mike you have as well. Just last year Nick Miller's campaign for state senate was based on the ugly lie that his opponent Dean Browning was a racist. Mailers were sent out that broadcasted this slur to thousands of voters. In all this time has Matt, or any other Democrat ever publicly condemned these shameful tactics? The silence of Matt, and others in his party was clearly acquiescence to the slurs. Matt and the rest were always fine with it, it worked for them. Now local Jacobin opportunists are using their own weapon of choice against their new opponent, only this time it's one of their own. So it's really hard to feel sorry for Matt or any other Democrat that finds themselves slandered by their fellow party members. It's your turn at the gallows, the final reward of those who used the same weapon against their opponents, often find their own head on the block. I'm just surprised it took so long.

    1. Loved this spot on assessment. I would only add that is cracks me up that Tuerk hired a rather questionable, non-local Human Resources Director (Nadeem Shahzad) no doubt because it made him feel good to bring in a brown, Muslim, immigrant department head who then accuses the Mayor of discrimination for firing him because he is a brown, Muslim immigrant.

  3. I usually do not respond or comment on blogs. However, in this instance I feel it is important to clarify some things. First let me say, I am responding as an individual Council Member. Second, not all harassment is based on racism as it appears people think is the case for the requested investigation. The investigation will focus on Work Place Harassment and Questionable Forced Resignations. I would suggest that those who feel Work Place Harassment isn't occurring to please read, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Harassment is absolutely unlawful if it creates a work environment that is intimidating, hostile, or offensive to a REASONABLE PERSON. The harasser can be the victim's supervisor, a supervisor in another area, an agent of the employer, a co-worker, or a non-employee. I listened very closely at Wednesday's meeting. to both individuals who are making claims. They both clearly stated that they followed the proper steps to get help but were ignored at every level up to and including the Mayor. They wanted to be heard and were. The investigation will provide the truth. Regarding those supervisors who felt they had to leave there's an old saying. "Good People don't leave Good Jobs. They leave because of Bad Leadership and Bad Management ".

    1. According to the (over-priced) Morning Call headline, this really IS about racism in Allentown’s administration. Now, the Morning Call would never mislead its readers about any topic, certainly not those pertaining to politics! /sarc.

      Mr. Zocal, I think it’s a good thing to respond here directly. Thank you.

    2. Funny after so many years on council some people only notice the harassments now. I know people who worked and work in city hall, they have told me since Ed became mayor the workplace environment was oppressive. People tried to keep their heads down and wait out retirement or seek other employment opportunities. Ed routinely forced department heads out, and anyone else he thought wasn't sufficiently loyal to him. Presently this harassment claim is being labeled as "race based". Anyone claiming this investigation won't focus on that is not shooting straight. Allentown is filled with fools, that is reconfirmed every election day, but there is a sprinkling of critical thinkers mixed in. You can fool most of Allentown all the time, but no one can ever fool every resident.

    3. “𝒕𝒐 𝒂 𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑺𝑢𝑡𝑨𝑩𝑳𝑬 𝑷𝑬𝑹𝑺𝑢𝑡”

      My cerebral logic board shaped & formed over the majority of my life has long since blown a fuse. That term seemed to be socially codified years ago but I now consider the term “a reasonable person” to be almost totally useless in this (political & social) day and age.

      LUNACY now masquerades as REASONABLE and the two terms are becoming synonymous!
