Aug 9, 2023

Yesterday's Ideas Today

I never paid much attention to Lamont McClure.  I know my Northampton County based blogger associate waxes fondly about him, but Bernie always likes the County Executive, going back to John Stoffa.  

An article in Lehigh Valley Live informs me that Lamont is enthusiastic about exploring the possibility of Northampton County providing a fiber optic network. Someone should inform him that those signals will be needing receivers.  After he distributes laptops,  those on the run will need smart phones. 

The survey was conducted by both internet and mail. Three quarters of the responses were online.  That alone should tell Lamont something, but he missed that point.

Outside of Northampton County, Elon Musk is putting up hundreds of satellites a week to build his Starlink internet service. That reception will not require wire and poles everywhere, nor have enormous infrastructure cost. Something for Charlie, I mean Lamont, to think about.


  1. McClure and Armstrong whose photo graced your post yesterday are emblematic of the low calibre of those involved in elected public office today. Gone are the days when those who succeeded, the best and brightest, graciously stepped forward to serve their fellow citizens and the community. The stalwarts of yesteryear have been replaced by grasping, publicty seeking, often less than bright pawns of corrupt political parties or equally corrupt special interests. Armstrong and McClure of perfect example of this sad fact.

    1. There are still excellent candidates that run for public office, including those who have had success in the private sector.

      Nat Hyman comes to mind in Allentown.

      Unfortunately for Nat, a low-IQ party hack ran as a third party candidate to siphon votes and ensure that a corrupt politician won the race instead. That party hack was later rewarded with an appointment to the Mayor’s office when the corrupt politician went to prison. Such is the sad state of our political system.

      Until voters get more involved and do some research beyond the slurs found in campaign advertisements, we are doomed to continue to elect those who will do anything to win.

      Unfortunately, most high-caliber candidates refuse to stoop to the level of their opponents.

    2. Nat Hyman is the exception to the rule. It's truly hard to think of other high qualified running locally. I would add Lisa Scheller's name to the list, interesting personal story and successful business woman.

  2. Your headline (“Yesterday’s Ideas Today”) about politicians reminds me of what I always say about newspapers.

    In today’s world of instant information, newspapers give us “Yesterday’s News Tomorrow”.

    I guess I shouldn’t be surprised then, when our newspapers report these tired ideas by our politicians as cutting-edge developments.

    Newspapers and politicians are like birds (or tunas) of a feather. I guess you could say that that newspapers are still being used to cover stinky fish.
