Aug 21, 2023

Bad Rap For Mayor Tuerk

Mayor Tuerk learned early that there's no winning with me. Before his time, even when I was at the mercy of the city operating a licensed/ inspected business, I spoke and wrote my mind. I have been critical of Tuerk's missions to the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico. I have accused him of being preoccupied with diversity and inclusion.

Despite that preoccupation, members of the local NAACP have again accused his administration of tolerating racism. With such a large workforce, there might well be some bigoted people employed. However, in my thirty years of scrutinizing City Hall, I have never seen a more concerted effort against discrimination.

Although the top leadership of the chapter distanced themselves from the allegations, the issue seems to remain a contention within that organization.  While these accusations* might be click bait for the local media, even a seasoned critic such as myself thinks that Tuerk is getting a bum rap.

* The resigned or terminated** HR director has amplified discrimination allegations.
     ** He claims terminated, Tuerk states that the director resigned.

UPDATE 5:00 PM: The terminated/resigned HR now claims that his departure has to do with his religion and skin color.  I suspect that Tuerk was aware of both those characteristics when he made the hire two months ago. Perhaps Tuerk was too quick to hire him because of those things!?!


  1. When people such as the opportunist extraordinaire, ASD director Phoebe Harris jump on board to support allegations of racism, it puts the entire episode into its proper perspective. Some people will do anything to get attention in the hope it selfishly advances their own personal political ambition. Of course there is an element of Karma here for Tuerk, the woke mayor who believes his main responsibility it to appease special interests groups. Frankly, as a resident, I'm really enjoying this.

  2. Sick tat sleeves Hermano Tuerk!

  3. Of course, there is racism in America. There always will be! Of course, there’s climate change in America. There always will be!

    Both of the above issues (excuses?) are well past their “Best By” date on the packages.

    I am particularly unmoved when any individual or organization quickly throws out the race card in response to anything not going their way. Please, give it a rest! So ineffective now, tiring to hear. It belies one’s own intellect.

  4. Everyone is a racist these days, don't you know. Look to the source for the problem

  5. Well the Pa. Dutch apple butter day celebrations are over. That's for sure :-)

  6. City Hall has been running on auto-pilot since “Marathon Matt,” (as he called himself today) has been in office. It’s all about appearances rather than action with him. Where will the selfies be taken today? He’s in over his head and doesn’t know it yet. This hr thing (the “resignation” of director, two months in) shows how out of touch he is.

  7. I'm sure Tuerk naively believed the lie that there is systemic racism in the country. In fact, racism (while it still exists) was no longer tolerated in government and there are numerous court cases to back that up.

    What you had were sometimes racist individuals, sometimes even racist policies, that would be taken to court to determine if there was any actual wrongdoing. That's the appropriate way to handle such incidents.

    What Tuerk doesn't realize is that this is all a shakedown scheme, designed to make anyone the mob decides to call a "racist" pay up without having the underlying issue ever go to court. It is a form of blackmail.

    My suspicion is that many of those making these accusations of racism know that they are baseless, but also know that many individuals (and the cities they run) would prefer to pay hush-money instead of standing up and defending themselves.

    I hope Tuerk won't take the easy way out.

  8. The illusion of power, property, and prestige get them every time.
