Jul 25, 2023

Morning Call Wonders

Another person, who we will probably learn was turning his life around, shot at police officers yesterday. The Morning Call wonders why city council is balking at throwing more money at Promise Neighborhoods ... really?? 

Hasshan Batts' Promise organization received more funding from Harrisburg than he ever hoped for. If that wasn't enough, the school system gave him even more.  Credible messengers are now going to be paired up with middle school kids to discourage them from taking the wrong path. Maybe if we had more police officers they could volunteer time to PAL, instead of being needed for overtime.

Allentown is fortunate that there are two former police officers on council.  The time may be fast approaching when council will be more progressive, and buy into defunding the police.


  1. I am sure the shooter was a good boy..... just going down the wrong path in life. And having him posting cash bail is unfair, since he likely can't afford it, unlike the rich people who can.

  2. Yes, we are fortunate to have two former officers on Council. But I don’t remember either FORCEFULLY speaking out against the credible messengers program. Maybe they did vote against it, but I think we need more.

    Allentown voters are facing a ballot initiative in November to have social workers respond to some police calls. This ill-conceived plan is part of the same defund the police strategy that has been imposed by democrat politicians across the country. It will take funds from an already underfunded police force and needs to be defeated.

    The proponents of the initiative are well-funded and well-organized. Supporters include groups like the ACLU, which used to be somewhat non-partisan but which has now been taken over by the radical progressives on the Left.

    We need our former-police council members, the current police chief, and the Mayor (who is supposedly against the proposal) to start making their case against the proposal. If the former officers on council aren’t going to LEAD on this issue, what are they doing there?

    If the initiative passes, we’ll see much more crime and lawlessness in the city. The days until election season are dwindling, and you can bet the proponents will be banking votes on the first day they can. Those opposed had better get started now if they hope to stop it.
