Jul 28, 2023

Local NAACP Falters

The Morning Call had to alter its headline about Mayor Tuerk and the local NAACP several times.  It evolved from the NAACP accusing Tuerk of racism, to him tolerating it at city hall, to the leadership of the chapter disavowing knowledge of the accusatory letter. 

Chapter president Walt Felton, and VP Dan Bosket, promise to look into both the letter itself and the procedure employed in sending it, apparently done by other board members.

I confess to some hesitation about writing this blog post. However, as a local political blogger, I cannot shy away from thorny issues. Even Tuerk himself, while knowing early that it was less than an authorized letter, set city hall on a discrimination alert. I find the accusation more of an indictment against the local chapter's organizational procedures, rather than being inappropriate behavior by the mayor or administration. In these times the word racism has the ability to cling and falsely accuse. It is a weapon which should never be wielded with such causal abandonment.


  1. So we have a Woke racist mayor? I have my own list of adjectives for Matt but that slur isn't one of them. I agree, this once repected organization appears to have jumped the shark here.

  2. There is no question in my mind, the charge of racism has been used too quickly and much too often. That tool is no longer sharp.
    As a blanket statement it fails.

  3. Having carefully read all related articles, these outrageous accusations i.e. "brown and black employees being screamed at by white supervisors" seem to be coming from Phoebe Harris, who may have political motivation. From everything I've heard Tuerk is bending over backwards to promote diversity, he even joined NAACP!! Sounds to me like the local NAACP needs to refocus their efforts at real racism and not have some fringe members with personal, misguided and most likely political motives damaging the reputation of the entire organization.

  4. Having been a victim of false accusations of racism as the A-town administration stood by or actively helped my accusers, I can only smile as the chickens come home to roost.

  5. Matteo Tuerk is approaching Rachel Dolezal levels of cultural appropriation, I fully expect him to ride into the next conference on a burro with a spray tan doning a 3ft Sombrero

  6. Maybe, try this approach NAACP. Write “This person (use real name) did this act (describe in specific detail) that harms this other person (use another real name) that I (use your real name) can prove (by citing actual statute) to be a racist act against all persons of color (explain how so) other that one color (white) of people.” We know a wide audience (The Morning Call, in particular) will show immediate great interest in such heinous acts as I (use real name)
    take full public responsibility in consequence of such claim.

    Short of this, you’re ALL being ridiculous !

  7. The bigger question is who at the local NAACP will lose their position over the letter?

    The organization’s leadership can’t have it both ways. Either they knew about the letter or they had nothing to do with it.

    If they knew about it, then they own the charges made in it also. If they had nothing to do with it, those who sent the letter need to be purged from the group.

    Until their leadership steps up to take responsibility or hold those who are responsible accountable, the group is a joke.

    That’s the larger story that the local media seems to be going out of its way to ignore.

  8. It seems Tuerk alienated NAACP by a lack of sufficient attention while nearly all of his servile pandering has been directed to hispanic groups.

    Moreover, there is internecine warfare going on among many of the young, inexperienced "officials" in the "mayor's" office. Some of the participants likely riled-up NAACP.

    Here's an interesting story: ask about city owned phones and computer logs being scrubbed in a witch hunt for city employees committing the unpardonable sin of speaking truthfully to taxpayers.

    There's a Pawlowski-like stench emanating from City Hall.

  9. City government existed to serve the people of the city. However, it is us, the citizens, of the city who now serve the city government.
