Jul 20, 2023

108-110 Union Street

When the illustrated map of Allentown shown above was marketed in 1879, 108-110 Union Street were already long standing twin houses. Behind the houses was the western channel of the Lehigh River, which went around Jeter's Island. Years later the island would be called Kline's, and become the city sewage plant. In the mid 1960's, that portion of the river would be filled in and no longer exists. While maps now indicate that the Little Lehigh joins the Lehigh at the southern end of the former island, previously it joined the channel on the western side of the island.

When the map was produced, 108 was owned by William Goetz, and 110 was owned by the Remaley family. Over the years the two sides appear to have been occupied by a number of families,  as both owners and tenants.

In 1921, both houses were purchased by H.H. Steinmetz, a former meat manager for Swift Packing. Steinmetz built a modern 10,000 ft. addition, opening his meat packing plant in 1922. Steinmetz Meat Packing supplied the chain of Economy corner markets with meat and provisions.

In 1941, the packing house was purchased by the Molovinsky family, and renamed Allentown Packing Company. While wholesale operations ceased in 1949, the business continued as a retail meat market until 1970. The plant was demolished several years later to provide parking for A&B Meats. The vacant parcel was then purchased by the neighboring commercial property.

reprinted from April of 2020


  1. Off topic but I read last night that Hassan Batts’ Promise Neighborhoods was using our tax dollars to organize a march against “gun violence”. Naturally, the march used school kids to push their agenda instead of other convicted felons like Batts.

    With that, the democrat agenda and funding of Batts - from City Hall to the Lieutenant Governor (and higher) becomes clear: use our tax dollars to indoctrinate our kids and the use them to push their failed policies. All while skimming a good bit of the funding off the top of course. And then keep our kids trapped in failing public schools so they can’t think critically or even afford to question their government masters as they get older.

    If the Lieutenant Governor, Promise Neighborhoods, or any other democrat front group really wants to end “gun violence”, the answer is simple. Put those committing “gun violence” - and other crime - in jail.

    Studies have shown that those who commit violent crime (with or without a gun) are more likely to commit a violent act again unless properly punished. In fact, high levels of violence in cities can often be traced back to small areas where politicians tell the police to avoid heavy patrols, all in the name of “equity”.

    However, accountability and incarcerating criminals is a real solution. And real solutions are certainly not something race-baiting politicians or ex-felons are willing to put forth.

    1. but of course, the logical way to reduce gun violence is to arrest the criminals who use firearms to settle their disputes or use them in the commission of crimes. Schoolchildren marching in the street doesn't do very much except waste tax dollars.

    2. PEW report:Though they tend to get less public attention than gun-related murders, suicides have long accounted for the majority of U.S. gun deaths. In 2021, 54% of all gun-related deaths were the result of suicides (26,328), while 43% were murders (20,958), according to the CDC. The remaining gun deaths that year were accidental (549), involved law enforcement (537) or had undetermined circumstances (458). Are you suggesting that those who are caught committing gun related crimes are not incarcerated ? Over simplifying an issue does not solve the problem.

  2. Can you tell us why Klines Island was renamed from former Jeter Island? Because the city bought it??what are the roads leading toward Union St?

  3. As far as the map, at what point was the Hamilton Street Dam built on the Lehigh?

    I was just curious if the dam being built (or rebuilt) changed the current flow and had any impact on the decision to fill in the portion of the river that created the island.
