Jun 7, 2023

Improving Strata's View

Your tax dollars circling back as grants are hard at work dressing up the store fronts in the 1000 block of Hamilton Street.  What we are paying for is a better view for Reilly's tenants in Strata 15.  That's not the real name of the new apartment building, but I call them all Strata.  

Now, we can't do much for the view from Strata 12, at 7th and Linden. Out the front they're looking at the 7-Eleven, scene of numerous shootings over the years. Out the back they see the hapless bus riders waiting on the cold steel benches for their Lanta seat.                                                                                                   But dammit, we can dress up the view on Hamilton Street for his 15th Strata, and we are!


  1. Don't worry, as downtown continues to improve, that 7-11 will be turned into something really nice and the gun shooters will be long gone. I'm quite pleased with how the 1000 block is being made safer and more attractive.

    As for the views of LANTA's Allentown Transfer Center, I think the station is very nice with digital signage indicating real time ETAs and security cameras throughout, its a very clean, safe and functional transfer center. As a frequent rider, I don't feel "hapless" at all, the expanded LANTA service is excellent with improved late night and weekend service.

  2. anon@7:26: I only printing your comment as an elaboration on my comment policy. While I welcome genuine opposing views, I have no need for either troll comments or apologists. It strains credibility that any one person would be both familiar with the 1000 block and also ride the bus. Furthermore, this blog doesn't use comment count to measure success... that's why I never ask the readers what they think or for their opinion. Such comments as anon 7:26 are seldom printed.

  3. The fact that the coach busses moved from American Parkway to the transportation center is a plus. A bit more effort could have went into that new apartment building next to it though.

  4. Mike, there may well be those who see the NIZ as a desirable place to live. The problem is they only live there, they clearly go elsewhere for entertainment or relaxation. So the NIZ has failed in its basic mission to be a driver private economic development.

  5. “Strata 15” - I like it!

    The Baron of Bland, J.B. O’Blandy, has been hard at work!

  6. Simply put chalk and paint to make a taint what it ain't, this is very similar to and like the agenda driven push of national push by 2% of the population. I am very sure that none of these facade grant recipient buildings would never pass nation code inspections but the the renew of the Z law written now sit next to pa's governor as a calculator that miscalulates massive amounts of pa's tax spending programs. The professionals of the forensic accounting firms have been bought and paid for by the not for the public's Right TO Know clause as well as rewriting the law to fit the ever changing farce upon the whole of PA!
