Jun 16, 2023

Batts At Bat

J.B. Reilly aside, Hasshan Batts is another growth industry in the Lehigh Valley.  Combine our woke times with an enterprising Black activist, and he is in the right place at the right time. Every time you read the news, his Promise Neighborhoods is getting a new grant and another piece of the pie.  Talking of pie, he's now operating food banks in at least three locations...his Union Street headquarters, Hayes Elementary School and in the lower level of Zion Church, where he's serving hot meals.

But this post is motivated by his proposed new location, the former Allentown Toy Company on N. 10th Street. With the appointment of Alan Jennings to the fifth board seat of the Redevelopment Authority, Batts' acquisition of that location seems inevitable.  His Islamic society made a proposal to use the location as a community center.  I say his society, because it's registered at Batts' home address, and doesn't appear to have a congregation. The director of the Redevelopment Authority and her assistant have resigned. Matt Tuerk said the resignations are an opportunity to recast the objectives of the Authority.

I write these posts about Reilly with his NIZ, and Batts with his Promise Neighborhoods, with some speculation... such players are not inclined to share their game plans with this blogger. Allentown is the perfect place for their ambitions. The newspaper has little to gain from going into an investigative mode.  Half of Allentown's population is too impoverished to care, and the other half is too indifferent. 

Both a burden and asset of mine is so much institutional knowledge of Allentown.  I actually did a very small project with the Redevelopment Authority forty years ago. My application was submitted to so much due diligence at the time, I thought that I was applying to be Ambassador to the UN. 

I write these blog posts for those of us who remember how things were done in what I consider better times.

shown above Hasshan Batts and Alan Jennings


  1. It’s worth investigating why all of the redevelopment authority staff suddenly resigned once public attention was drawn to their organization.

    1. Or maybe the staff was trying to draw attention

  2. Sadly just more of the same isn't it? This city has a talent for electing and promoting those who's only interests are their own and their accomplices. You are right about the voters, hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. Had dinner with friends last night, they asked my opinion of the new mayor, I told them. Although as with you Mike I have told people what they don't want to hear even though it in the end, my bad news is proven to be the truth. As in the past, I'm fairly certain, this latest news will again be ignored and the self servers will continue to be praised and prosper.

  3. When there are taxpayer dollars available (that’s not real dollars, right?) the vultures begin to circle overhead. Ready to swoop down for their next meal. The business of poverty, social injustice, and other “higher calling” matters will never be solved, just capitalized.
    Who could possibly object to such altruism?

  4. The redevelopment authority and Jennings organization as well as the zoning board are all one. There has always been one person officially sitting on all three boards creating a massive conflict. Watching the ARA and its property aqusitions it is my belieif that they do the exact opposite of what there mission statement claims with the help of the other two.
    Keep in mind this is not always there designs because some time they do good.

  5. Now with Jennings back at the helm of the sinking ship we all once knew as Allentown pa. There will be a new direction for the vultures to eat the last pound of flesh from Allentowns rotting carcus.

  6. Behold all the property that the city owns... we need to get it sold and back on the tax rolls so we can get a tax break... LOL!!! (NEVER will happen)
    By the way, that's DOCTOR H B..... we just can't rid our city of all the grifters, can we???

  7. Batts is a phony. Both Jennings and Batts have found out that the quickest way to someone else’s money is a 501c3. Call it charitable if you will, but it works. People just keep giving you money because it satisfies the need or requirements that you be “community involved.” So everyone feels good and the taxman is satisfied that you made lawful contributions. The annual report “dashboard” says you did good, you serviced so many people. Baloney. Follow the money and see how many get serviced vs. who got entertained, who has a slushy expense account, who got “gifted.”

  8. Not only gifted but in kind gifts, ball games ,hokey games and shirts to put on the bleacher chairs as if someone is sitting there. Pay to play is the PA way campaign donations to get what is want paid to the higher up in the government so the lower stuffed shirts do as there told!

  9. Pimpin' ain't easy unless your a "poverty pimp" like Alan, his show on NPR is nauseating liberal drivel that could be used as a form of torture defund 88.1, and his bogus charity
