Apr 18, 2023

Allentown Operating Vehicle Inspection Trap

Thanks to the Morning Call and their right to know effort, we have learned that Allentown dispensed 49,000 tickets last year for cars being out of inspection.  I use the negative word trap, because that is exactly what it is.  Many years ago, Coopersburg ran a speed trap... There was a borough cop actively waiting for traffic on Rt. 309.

Although I'm very conscientious about my car, I have been late for inspection several times. There are only fourteen states in the country which do inspections annually.

Entertainment venues, such as the arena and Symphony Hall, might want to consider how this aggressive beast affects their long term attendence.

I think it's becoming apparent that the current operation of the Allentown Parking Authority might not be in Allentown's best interest.

ADDENDUM 1: The APA stated that they're surprised how few tickets were issued for double parking.  I have never driven through downtown WITHOUT seeing double parkers.  So,  the APA could find 250,000 cars last year to ticket, but not see the double parkers?  They are not even improving the quality of life, just churning out tickets for their cash flow. Who are the real criminals?                                                     

ADDENDUM 2: Auto inspection has a history of abuse in Pennsylvania. It wasn't that long ago when they had inspection TWICE a year....Imagine the TAKE the APA could make from that!!! It's time to send some people at the Parking Authority packing.


  1. So you are saying it is ok to break the law?

  2. anon@5:37: I think less of anonymous comments than some other blogs, and even less of combative trolling. However, to get this issue out of the way. The APA issued over 250,000 tickets last year... by my values their ambushing is criminal.

  3. It’s just as bad as them requiring people to pull into parking spots so they can read license plates to see if registrations are expired or cars are stolen. Clearly not a part of their job description.

  4. I got an ticket for expired inspection on, 4/2/23. My inspection expired on 3/31/23. My inspection station was running behind and I had an appointment 4/5/23. I had to go to Allentown to drop off some food for the elderly, I was in and out of property in 10 minutes, parked legally, found a ticket on my windshield. Found it quite aggressive. Also the cost was not a citation for an expired inspection but a fine that would escalate into a Citation for expired inspection if not paid. Kind of like Blackmail. Pay up or w3 gonna give you a real ticket! Anyone else find this wrong?

  5. It’s a ‘parking authority’ and needs to stick with that.

  6. Imagine living in a neighborhood with many 3, 4, 5 and 6 unit apartment conversions that have about 6 to 18 cars associated with each building. Of these cars, several are chronic junkers and/or nuisance vehicles without current inspection, registration and insurance. I am so THANKFUL that the parking authority is responsive to complaints about these types of chronic parking violations. This business about allowing parking in the alleys?? I can assure you that the tenants in the multi-family conversions will be storing uninspected and unregistered junkers and clunkers in the alleys if the parking authority is forced to lessen enforcement. This IS NOT about some good citizen who "forgot" to get his car inspected, it is about transient residents who bring barely drivable cars into our neighborhoods and then ruin the quality of life for everyone else.

    1. This is spot on. I’ve been down this road with distributive tenants and their junkers. Of course, noise and drugs typically come with these same households. Sure, it would be great if APA could differentiate a little between these folks and people who simply forget. In the absence of a solution my vote is to keep leaning on these people.

    2. As a recent property manager myself, who managed between 4th and 12th streets, I'm well aware of tenant and junker issues. I was somewhat sympathetic to your point of view until I learned the ticket numbers. When you're talking about 250,000 tickets, 49,000 for out of inspection, you have an out of control agency. I agree we need a parking authority, but it's clear that the current director and supporters need to go.

  7. anon@8:11: It's not hard to differentiate between a "junker and clunker" and a well maintained vehicle a few days overdue on inspection. However, 49,000 tickets for inspection proves that the APA isn't making such judgement calls, but rather just burping any opportunity for cash. When you issue 250,000 overall tickets a year you're ruining the quality of life for everybody the city.

  8. I've lived in Allentown for 20+ years, I've been ticketed once, on a rare weekday off when I didn't remember to move my car for street sweeping. It was my own fault and I paid the ticket immediately. I'm in favor of clean streets and strict parking enforcement.

  9. I’m having trouble logging in to not be anonymous. Fortunately I don’t have to deal with the APA but I agree with the state inspection issue. They could easily issue a warning (no fee) during a grace period of say a week or 10days. This way if one innocently forgets they get a gentle official reminder to get it done.

    Bob Berner

  10. The number of tickets does seem disproportionate for a city of 130,000 residents and 43,000 households. Almost two per person and six per household!!

  11. A drive around Allentowns streets and you will be in need of a car inspection. Than you could also need a hole new undercarriage too.
    The streets are so hideous how does one get a ticket seeing that some would be considered a goats path to have better terrain.

  12. Does APA really have the jurisdiction/authority to write tickets for out of date inspections (a state function)?
