Feb 15, 2023

Police Shooting In Allentown's Reillyville

We have been reading for several days in the Morning Call  about the mugger shot and killed by police. They observed him assaulting someone, and he fired on police when pursued.  While the paper has emphasized that the shooting took place at 8th and Maple, they have downplayed its proximity to 8th and Hamilton, epicenter of downtown Reillyville, aka Allentown.

The alley Maple Street separates Reilly's Hamilton Street office tower from his new apartment hive behind it on 8th. Usually in regard to violence, the police inform us that the incident was no threat to the law-abiding, which implies that it was an inter low-life altercation. We have heard nothing about the original victim, just about the aftermath. Was that victim a fellow low-life, or was it a new hive tenant? Either way, it's not reassuring for prospective hive tenants. 

The news reports indicate that there were at least two policemen at the shooting. Originally, the Reilly Corporation, CityCenter Real Estate, was to have their own security force. If Allentown police are guarding the Reilly forts, is the rest of the city receiving adequate protection?

As Molovinsky On Allentown approaches its 16th year of publication, it still must ask questions the Morning Call avoids.

photo of 8th & Maple, alley south of Hamilton, new office tower on Hamilton, new apartments to its rear.


  1. Local media continues to do their best not to do the real works journalists should be doing.

  2. It is amazing that even local media refuses to do an adequate reporting job on any issue that may tarnish their pet politicians.

  3. 6:48AM brings up very good points. I would add, police-involved shootings are pretty rare in the Lehigh Valley, especially if they involve a death. The general public would certainly like to know more. The Morning Call’s omissions of pertinent details can only make the impressions of downtown danger even worse.

    I remember reading statements claiming, in effect, unless you are someone involved in illegal activities, the drug culture, and the like, you have nothing to fear coming downtown. Well, if this actually was a random patron, or downtown resident being approached and mugged, perhaps we ARE right to be in some fear, and surely many will choose not to visit that area.

    Bottom line for me, The Morning Call is a damn lousy news operation not worthy of its (ever-rising) subscription price.

  4. This had to be people who knew each other or had an on-going dispute, any half decent mugger would know there's nobody to mug in the NIZ at night.
