Jan 9, 2023

Stephen Colbert School Of Journalism

The marriage between news and entertainment isn't new, but it's now polygamous, with opinion and politics. With the Stephen Colberts and Jon Stewarts, pundits are comedians, and comedians are pundits.  Both parties, left and right, are the brunt of the other sides' jokes.

This merging of politics, humor and ridicule did the country no good. People have become so polarized that they think that the other side deserves the derision.

I have no delusions that we will revert back to more separation between news and entertainment... That paste isn't going back into the tube.  There is no longer any separation between news and opinion. On the contrary, down the road today's broadcasts might look scholarly. Instead of beautiful blondes, perhaps the news will be delivered by a dummy and ventriloquist...and we won't know the difference.


  1. Hopefully the citizens will catch on, that much of this is a diversion to keep them focused on scandal, entertainment and division while the fleecing goes on in the name of public good. Sadly it may all be too far gone for reform. Will only collapse and chaos bring the needed focus?

  2. No question our entertainment media has become too much a part of politics, and far too many take its ‘hints’ seriously. But, you know, we have a much greater problem on our hands. We’ll soon hear more as the formation of a new Church Committee in Congress is expected.

    This is not the place to expound on this in detail, however, it includes tampering by our FBI, CIA, and some others in personal social media accounts. Americans spend much more time there than they do with late night talk show hosts.

  3. I fully agree with you on this issue. I used to be an avid SNL fan when it was based on comedy that appealed to all. This show has fully evolved into a political opinion show that is only funny to liberal viewers.

  4. anon@11:43: I've noticed that some news media, such as CNN, then follow up the SNL performances with an article... as if it was a real news event, with a real elected official.

  5. Remember the old timers, like Johnny Carson, who modestly made fun of politicians but didn't get involved in social engineering. They were real comedians and fun to watch.

  6. "Both parties, left and right, are the brunt of the other sides' jokes."

    Where are the shows making fun of the democrats and the Left?

    All the late-night "comedy" shows and SNL seem to be slanted only against republicans and conservatives. I'd love to find shows that go the other way.

    I suppose that "Gutfeld" might be the an example, although I view that more as a political show that discusses current (political) events in a humorous way.

    On the other side, it seems that all traditional comedians and actors all seem to now want to make political statements only against republicans on whatever show they're on.

  7. MM Said: "I have no delusions that we will revert back to more separation between news and entertainment...
    What a shame . For decades people like Groucho, Burns/Allen, J. Benny, Abbott/Costello, J. Lewis and tons more were funny as hell w/o alienating. There's few left who are truly funny who everyone can relate to. But they are getting fewer and fewer. Today's so-called comics relying on division do not appeal to me any longer.

    At this point I'm mostly fed up with today's political divide. Hence why my posts are becoming more void of them. Intelligent and talented people are no longer involved in leadership positions. What a said state of affairs for our country. In fact I'd go so far as to say almost all these people involved in government or TV/radio today couldn't get anywhere near to holding a real job. Most are worthless. If it wouldn't be for government or these BS TV/internet programs they'd be SOL I'm trying harder not to feature them or influence my life.
