Jan 12, 2023

An Allentown School Primer

While Morning Call readers learned yesterday that Allentown School superintendent Russ Mayo would not be seeking another contract, molovinsky readers already knew that since early last week. However, today's post is a lesson in recent history. Before Mayo, the superintendent was John Zahorchak. The board that hired him thought very highly of themselves for that choice. Zahorchak was former Secretary of Education under Rendell. What the board didn't realize was that while the Rendell administration was a case study in cronyism, it was not concerned with expertise. Zahorchak came to town and turned the school system inside out, and upside down. He instituted every new concept ever written in the education magazines. Among one bad move after another, he transfered Allen High's very effective principal to desk job on Penn Street. In wake of the mess, the board was then glad to hire Mayo, who was familiar with the system before the chaotic changes.

Allentown School System has been suffering from the same problems which affect all urban systems with high poverty rates.  Why the board thinks that a new superintendent will change the parameters of that reality escapes me.  The district just announced that there will be another year with no tax increase, which would be considered welcome news in most communities.

Now some older history;  Shown above is Dorothy Taliaferro, as pictured in the 1920 Allentown High School yearbook.  Dorothy was a vocal supporter for woman suffrage, and hoped to become a doctor. She was the first Black girl to graduate from Allentown.  Although Dorothy did not fulfill that career ambition,  she had two younger brothers who did become physicians.  The family lived at 450 Union Street, which was later demolished in one of Allentown's misguided urban renew projects.

Thanks to Dan Doyle for loan of the 1920 Comus.  

reprinted from 2016

ADDENDUM JANUARY 12, 2023: While Dorothy above was the first Black to graduate Allentown, Russ Mayo may well have been the last white superintendent. As I reported in previous posts, the current school board seems obsessed with race. Recently, the NAACP accused a white board member of "sporting" a Hispanic married name, to deceive the voters. Two white members have just resigned from the board, although not for racial reasons. However, race may well become an issue with their replacements.  As a former delinquent myself at Allentown High, I can assure the board that we never knew or cared who the superintendent was....he didn't have to look like us. Furthermore, we never even knew that there was a school board.


  1. I can't even count the number of school superintendents the ASD has had since this essay was written in 2016.

  2. Education should be JUST that. We could still be using the same text books for math as we did in 1930. 2+2 is still 4.
    All education should contain real history of the U.S. and the world at least since 1700. all Americans should understand what was different with America in 1776 and what are the basis of our constitution and laws.
    All superintendents and teachers should be hired to fulfill those goals and to hopefully give the students the hope of economic success in the future.
    Sadly, like most things in this country today, it is all symbolism over substance and political indoctrination is the number 1 priority.

  3. My uncle was Asst. Super in the 50s. Only knew cause he was a relative.

  4. NAACP should be concerned that more than 90% of African-American and Hispanic/Latino kids in Lehigh County are concentrated into one dirty, beaten down, underfunded school system with inferior academic programs?. Shouldn't they be outraged that nearly all white kids in Lehigh County go to clean, modern, well funded campus type school systems with superior academic programs? Why on Earth are they attacking "minorities" who sit on the school board in Allentown? They should applaud those board members for living in Allentown and getting involved.

    1. Actually the blame for the failing ASD belongs squarely on those who in recent years have led it into a downward spiral. The blame also lies with the world's stupidest voters who elect and reelect these same incompetent and often corrupt city and school district leaders. Can anyone blame intelligent people from fleeing such stupidity? Finally, the desire to escape from the many blighted Allentown neighborhoods is diverse. The so called "white flight" happened decades ago.This ongoing migration of those who can afford to leave continues, now however Latinos are fleeing.

  5. Drag Story hour is being demonized, CRT teachings eliminated from curriculum, kids being misgendered by abelist colonial European patriarchy at all time highs.

  6. It's not my want to comment on my own posts, that said:
    anon@6:57: while the demographics are as you describe, the ASD is not dirty, nor does it have inferior programs. IMO, even funding isn't the issue.
    anon7:55: although your satire certainly amuses a few, you may overestimate even my audience.

  7. How did ASD go from one of the best to one of the worst school systems??? Could it be the majority of pupils do not want to be there??? ASD should happily expel the rabble rousers for the benefit of those pupils who want to learn. But, no... keep the rabble rousers at all expense.... OURS!!! BTW, I graduated in '70 and I never witnessed such a mess as I have witnessed at dismissal time!!!! Luckily, no one is mowed over, but I hate to state, it wouldn't be a great loss, either to ASD or humanity. We have promoted this behavior, and we are now getting "repaid" for our abject stupidity. Same with fartcan mufflers, ear splitting car stereos and road racing in residential areas. Where are our (not all) police??? They should be ashamed to accept a paycheck, much less a lucrative retirement.

    1. The ASD managed for years, in the face of growing poverty in the city to do a decent jod educating the children. Sadly the days of quality people populating the school board ended and the results are plain to see. The board has become a collection of crafty self servers, woke and arrogant nit wits, and remedial directors. These people have made disastrous hiring choices, passed ludicrous and sketchy budgets, spent recklessly, hired far more administrators than the district can afford long term, and handed out lavish salaries for to this until recently unnecessary or even imagined administrative positions.

  8. My goal is to leave this city my family has inhabited for over 100 years, as soon as possible. It is hateful. I look forward to the day when I finally pull the plug and drive away, I will have two middle fingers raised in a gleeful salute.

  9. So much to unpack in this post:

    1) The original post mentions the cronyism of the Rendell administration. Six or seven years later, I have little to hope for as far as improvement with the incoming Shapiro administration. I believe Shapiro just appointed the former Reading School Superintendent as his Secretary of Education. Maybe I missed the renaissance that guy ushered in while he was at Reading, but I believe that Reading is still one of the districts that ASD might actually outperform.

    2) You mention that two white members resigned from the ASD board, "although not for racial reasons." Are you sure about that? I realize Miller has been promoted upward for failing at the ASD, but I haven't heard Thiel's reason for leaving early. Maybe even democrats tire of unfairly being labeled racists.

    3) I think the other comments have already covered my thoughts on both the NAACP and what's being taught in our public schools, so I don't feel the need to add to them. But know that I agree that the approach of both the ASD and the district is far from what will lead to improvement.

    4) I agree with you that funding isn't the issue in ASD. It's what is done with the funding. In a sane world taxpayers would be circling district HQ and demanding resignations. But instead, we opt to re-elect (or continue to employ) those who fail us. Maybe the voters need a psychiatrist, but none of our elected officials would dare to suggest funding for that.

  10. And almost as if on cue, I just read that Shapiro had nominated Pat Brown to be his Secretary of Revenue.

    I suppose that means that Shapiro has already appointed someone else to be his Minister of Cronyism.

    Shapiro is off to a terrible start. Any hope I had that he is anything more than a big-government hack has quickly faded.
