Jan 18, 2023

Allentown's Vanishing History

Years ago a reader sent me the above image.  It looks down the hill from 7th and Hamilton, north, toward Linden Street. He had been attempting to locate the old Lafayette Radio store on 7th street, because of a pleasant memory from his childhood. By my day the store had moved onto the southern side of the 700 block of Hamilton Street. History is quickly succumbing to the wreaking ball in Allentown. All the buildings shown above, on the unit block of 7th Street, have been knocked down for the arena and Reilly's Strata complexes.  When Salomon Jewelry departed,  Tucker Yarn remained one of Hamilton Street's last remaining businesses from the glory days.

Phil and Rose Tucker opened their first yarn store on N. 7th St. in 1949. That first store can be seen on the left side of the above photo. The Tucker Yarn Company had been at its current location at 950 Hamilton Street for over 50 years. For knitting enthusiasts the endless inventory was legendary. Phil told me years ago how even in May, traditionally a slow month for the industry, Hess's annual flower show kept Hamilton Street and his store busy. A busy Hamilton Street is a memory now, shared only by a couple of surviving merchants. Although many of Tucker's customers were elderly, the business was much more than a time capsule. His daughter Mae, nationally known in the trade, gave classes and operates a large mail order web site, tuckeryarns.com

Tucker Yarn has closed.  In the near future you will see the building replaced by one more new office building.  This blogger will continue his downtown recons, but I will no longer be sitting in a familiar place with familiar faces.

The above image can be found in Doug Peters' Lehigh Valley Transit

reprinted from November of 2019


  1. On a recent vacation in Italy, I met a woman from Canada who was interested in our being from Allentown. She told us that for many years, when she was 'down south' in the NE USA she would find her way to Allentown to visit Tucker Yarns. What a testimony to the role that store played in the lives of sophisticated knitters. I hope I can find her contact information.
    to send her your post. Also, Doug Peters is a local history treasure.

  2. Maybe somewhat off topic, my comment here recalls old Allentown, trolley scenes AND Doug Peters where the rolling scroll resides that I have recorded here.
    (unfortunately) You must have access to Facebook to view it - but it’s worth it! (Daniel Ruth)

  3. Lafayette Radio... great electronics store among others now long gone... Parts Unlimited and Gem Electronics on the N 7th St extension, south of Two Guys, as MacArthur Road was known back in the day.
    Phil and Rose Tucker... two incredible human beings!!! I had the pleasure of doing HVAC service for Phil in his many properties on Hamilton. Talk about inventory... their stores were filled from top to bottom with anything you could possibly need and Phil and Rose knew where it all was!!! Same can be said for their son, Josh, who has Jaetee's Wicker!!!

  4. Probably be replaced by more apartment buildings which will probably sit empty in a few Years. Nothing attractive about all these boxes putting up downtown.
