Nov 23, 2022

Shootings In Allentown No Threat

Yesterday Allentown was assured by the police and Morning Call that the shootings on 5th Street were no threat to the public.  While the victims were hauled off on the conveyor belt to the ER by the EMS, life continues in center city as usual.

We have a mayor, about Hispanic as a Taco Bell sandwich, telling everybody in Spanish that he understands both their language and sentiments. 

We have a school board that only hires Black people, who in turn only hire Black people, so that they look like the brown people that they're supposed to teach.

We have a local NAACP calling everyone racist.

We have a newspaper who proved that they wouldn't know corruption if it occurred under their nose for over a decade.

artwork by Mark Beyer


  1. Nicely summed up Mike! Hard to argue all this. Sadly, the only way to change this is through the ballot box, and at this point it might be easier to stop the tides and still the oceans than change the thinking of Allentown's voters. All this said, Happy Thanksgiving.

    1. I left Allentown after 30 years and NEVER looked back

    2. Anonymous: 12:05 - You are part of the problem - the thousands upon thousands of homeowners who decided to flee Allentown and move to the suburbs in the1980s did more to cause Allentown's demise than any other cause since.

    3. I am so happy I left Allentown and moved to South Carolina . It was the only logical thing to do

  2. Mayor Juerk was only latino 2 weeks up to the election.. lol He is as Latino as taco bell... good one... the hire black folks to be the fall guy, while giving positions of power to latinos.. i said it..

  3. anon@2:13, I don't think that you can blame Allentown's demise on people who fled. Perhaps if the city leadership demonstrated more success in maintaining quality of life, more people would have stayed.

    1. I live in the dregs of Allentown and have for over 30 years... the ONLY time I witnessed any improvement was under the tutelage of Mayor Bill Heydt!!! We had neighborhood BEAT police and things were getting better as far as quality of life: NOISE, litter, traffic idiocy, DOUBLE parking etc, etc, etc!!! The police actually did their jobs... what a concept!!! I feel had you been elected, things would have went in that direction once again!!!
      But alas, Allentown is "Poverty for Profit" and welfare cadets are easy to control except for their general lawlessness....

    2. who has recieved more welfare than incoming europeans??? have you ever heard of the homestead act, the racist gi bill, or that fact more white folks are on welfare than so called minorities.... "welfare Cadets"?? so we are shaming poor folks wjhile ellis islanders were literrally faciltated to be here in amerikka??? how cute..smh

    3. rbs@12:49... Welfare cadets are welfare cadets ONLY when they are SL&Ls... that would be Sick, Lame and Lazy. They want carte blanche from us working taxpaying citizens. It WOULD NOT qualify a sickly, debilitated, or otherwise unable to work individual as a "welfare cadet"!!! Disabled folks are why welfare was brought about in the first place. Bring your rear end down to my neighborhood and witness all the perfectly able bodied people who are otherwise too tired to get out of bed to go to work because they were out ALL NIGHT ruining OUR sleep!!! And, by the way, SL&Ls come in all human varieties!!! Lazyness is rampant in our society, sir!!!
      Getting back to the original premise of MM's article, we wouldn't have SO MUCH crime if the criminals had to be in bed, to get up in the morning to go to the job to support, feed and house themselves.
