Nov 29, 2022

Allentown Police Believe This Is An Isolated Incident

Early Sunday morning there was a shooting at the VIP Lounge in Allentown.  Police issued what has become their standard disclaimer... Police believe this is an isolated incident and there is no threat to the community. 

In reality, this was neither an isolated incident nor not a threat to the community. As these shootings become more commonplace, we need an administration which does not attempt to normalize them. Mayor Tuerk has been flirting with the Hispanic community... They have been in turn very flattered. The current chief, Charles Roca, is both of Guatemalan descent and a native Allentonian...Politically, that is as good as it gets from Tuerk's POV.  However, Roca became chief by default. Those ahead of him in rank became Chief For The Day, and then left Dodge while their reputation was still intact. If Roca isn't really up to the position, Tuerk will have to man-up and replace him, politics aside. 

What I just wrote above is of course heresy in Latino Allentown...but that's why I'm a blogger.


UPDATE: The first version of this post misindentified Roca as Puerto Rican 


  1. Never blame the chief when the real problem is their boss.

    1. Can't Blame the Chief and the Mayor the deterioration of Allentown . It started years ago just like other cities

    2. Yes, when Allentown became a one party it hit the skids and is still sliding down. This said, I can blame the mayor for being just another worthless, clueless, apparatchik who is the chief's boss.

  2. Allentown has gotten very urban in the worse ways, little culture but crime, litter and noise. The bikes and double parking suggest to me that the "tolerance" is far from zero...If that is Roca's or Tuerk's decision isn't clear to me. However, it occurs to me that if Tuerk wanted to replace Roca, there would be political consequences, that he may not be up to meeting.

    1. I don't know how much political consequence there'd be if Roca got fired. Since announcing his run for office, Tuerk has been identifying as Hispanic, so that should give him some cover.

      Add in that he'll be the incumbent Mayor in a relatively far-off democrat primary for mayor (which is the defacto election), and he's got even less to worry about.

      Even if identity politics were Tuerk's sole concern, I'm sure he could follow the lead of the Allentown School Board and simply replace one minority chief of police with another minority chief of police.

      Then again, why would Tuerk make a change at all? When was the last time that a democrat politician in this town was held accountable for the failure of their policies and decisions?

  3. Roca is Guatamaleon

  4. I've been hesitant to place blame on Roca, for the same reason as stated in the first comment above.

    However, there comes a time when a chief law enforcement officer needs to stand up and do what's right for the city, and for the people living and working there. As a "native Allentonian", Roca should be interested in more than just his own job security.

    What needs to be done isn't rocket science to many people in the city, and it certainly shouldn't be for someone who has spent his life in law enforcement. The Chief of Police should be proposing policing solutions to eliminate the crime problem (especially violent crime) even if those solutions are politically unpopular with his boss.

    If the boss isn't listening or won't take the advice, the Chief needs to speak out. If Roca isn't willing to do that, he's not the right person for the job and never was.

    Allentown can't afford to have both a clueless Mayor and a cowering police chief.

  5. Allentown has become Detroit, forgotten, avoided by the suburbs. I used to support some of the local businesses, the seafood store, some of the take-outs, but no more. Last time I did I found and took a legitimate parking space on 7th Street. When I came out I found myself parked in by a double parked with flashers on. I was stuck waiting until a fellow popped out of a barbershop. The guy double parked me in while he got a haircut. Thoughtless, disrespectful, mean-spirited, me first attitude. I wouldn’t challenge anybody, since everyone there seems to have guns. No cops came by, but what would they have done anyway? So from now on, what happens on 7th Street, stays on 7th Street, it won’t bother me. If people can’t live by the rules and the cops won’t do anything then there isn’t much a private citizen can do, except avoid trouble, and make sure it doesn’t happen here. Sadly, the burbs don’t shed tears over shootings in Allentown anymore.

    1. Yes, the "me-I" attitude!!! Too many times I went out to my garage, hit the operator button, only to find some inconsiderate jerk parked in front of my door on a NO PARKING alley!!! Blowing the horn didn't help...!!! When the putz finally showed his face I was just getting ready to move his car with my floor jack... and I told him next time I'd fix it so HE couldn't get out... I'd roll his car sideways in the alley... try and get out between 2 brick garages when you have zero wiggle room!!! HE got snotty and angry... imagine that... I apologized and said OK,next time I'll just flatten all 4 tires and smash every window... never saw the putz again!!! The same scenario happens when it snows... you can tell where the snow piled in front of your garage came from... similar argument ensues!!! AH, city life living with entitled self absorbed inconsiderate jerks...!!! AND where are the police when you ACTUALLY need them... MIA!!!
      AS FAR as shootings go... "urban renewal" taking out the above captioned inconsiderate law breaking jerks.
