Aug 31, 2021

All Inspiring Isn't

Allentown's new official slogan, All Inspiring,  isn't too inspiring at all, to me anyway.  As homeowners face a huge school tax increase, a new slogan is actually annoying. In what universe did the administration think that they should spend our money in that way? In addition to the new slogan, our squandered resources bought us a new logo, which graces new street banners. The banners are unimaginative, and the typeface is too small to read.

While I could have photographed one of the new banners for this post,  I decided on Charlie Tuna.  Many decades ago when Charlie was first introduced, he wasn't today's likable character.  Instead he would dress up and try to look good, while the narrator explained that Starkist wanted tuna that tasted good, not that just looked good.   

In fairness to those who think that a new city slogan isn't nonsense, I was also critical of City Without Limits, ten years ago when that brainchild was born.  In my world a city develops a reputation, it doesn't buy a slogan. Mayor O'Connell said that you wouldn't wear the same clothes for ten years, but then he's much better dressed than I am.

Perhaps as time passes the new slogan and banner will look better to me, but I doubt it.


  1. Did they pull that slogan out of a hat or what? It would appear that way as, by all appearances, Allentown is an area of highly concentrated apathy. What is inspiring about that?

  2. Slogans and words are easy, results not so much. Build back better is a good example. When politicians don't have a clue to how to make things better, slogans, ribbons and other symbols take the place for results. It is an epidemic in the country. As long as voters continue to vote for symbols and nice talk over results, it will continue to get worse. Why does the electorate continue to vote for people who have never had a real job in their entire life?

  3. Well Ray, you can thank talk radio & Fox News for that. There is a special place in Hell reserved for Murdoch dumbing down America. Today's best example:The anti-vax nonsense being spread endangers everyone with an above room temperature IQ.

  4. Wow, off to the virus, the best hope of the left.
