Jan 29, 2021

Biden Brings Back Earth Shoes

Yesterday, I rewatched Biden's Wednesday speech, thinking perhaps that I was too harsh on him with my previous post.  I wasn't.  He truly wants to go back for the future. As Nikki Haley feared, he wants to eliminate anything done during the Trump administration, seemingly on principle alone. 

He refers to black land grant colleges and tribal leaders.  John Kerry became a distinguished statesman.  I consulted my Democratic focus group on their reaction.  Although they conceded he didn't appear to realize that it is 2021, they are still just so joyful that Trump wasn't reelected.  With them Biden gets a pass, with no time stamp.

Although the new administration advocates say that the world is relieved that an adult is back in charge,  that reaction is not universal.  Israel must worry about our resolve now concerning Iran. The Biden administration is pausing military aid to moderate Arab states.  Let us hope that Biden doesn't undo the Abraham Accords.

Looking for the photo above, I learned that Earth Shoes are still in business. While my independent and right learning focus groups are becoming upset, the liberals are digging out their old scandals and bell bottoms.


  1. While opposition in this country is being eliminated and suppressed the rest of the world is another matter, particularly in the middle east. The Arab leaders in those countries have seen a new approach from the United States. I suspect they will be unwilling to return to a U.S. policy of divide, conquer and create chaos. While it appears Biden wants to soften sanctions with Iran, it is unlikely he will find support from the rest of the neighborhood.

  2. I bought a pair of Earth Shoes in the 1000 bl of Hamilton??? in the mid - 70's

  3. In the 70's we trusted the FBI and the Justice Department, we trusted the media, sports were just sports, no one knew the political affiliation of Hollywood actors and entertainers and they didn't lecture us about the subject, American were taught to judge each other by the content of their character not the color of their skin, we weren't grouped by gender, race, sexual preference and labeled as perps or victims accordingly, public schools taught students academic and life skills instead of what transpires as learning today, we were expected to pull our own weight and left home ASAP even if it meant a one room apartment in a crappy part of town, we worked our way through college and never thought the government should provide it free...Some things have gotten better since the seventies, Gay Rights for instance, the technological breakthroughs in science, health, communication, information for instance but for all these advances America finds itself in a very bad place fifty years later. Many of us have lost our way, our faith in God and ourselves, we have our hands out instead of at a work station, and have come to believe the government can take care of us, solve our problems while we indulge our vices or otherwise amuse ourselves, we a narcistic and self consumed nation, feeling put upon by the slightest stress or criticism. None of this bodes well for the future, a future we have saddled following generations with mountains of federal debt because we are too irresponsible to pay our own way. I seriously doubt future generations will look back on us fondly. We will have earned their scorn and contempt. One more thing, the music was much better in the 70's. On this we can all agree.
