Dec 16, 2020

Drag Queens vs Pip The Mouse

This year when parents take their little ones downtown to holiday shop, they can either show them Pip The Mouse or Drag Queen Wigs.

Pip The Mouse is being featured in the window of the former Hamilton Plaza, on the site of the former Hess's Department Store. The current building owners sued the city because the NIZ creates a most unlevel playing field for commercial real estate. 

The Drag Queen show is on the Arts Walk. The Arts Walk links various Reilly/NIZ/Reilly buildings together on the off Hamilton Street venue. Putting art in empty storefront windows is a long time commerical stragedy. Reilly now has taken to putting art galleries in hopelessly empty storerooms. There is another popup gallery on Hamilton Street itself.

The Drag Queen show is being publicized on the Morning Call. It's hard to know which is more real... Pip The Mouse, Drag Queen shows, or parents taking their kids downtown in Allentown?


  1. Downtown has not been a place for kids dating back to when Pawlowski became mayor and gangsta rule was established. In hindsight gotta admit that in the previous 200 years, family ruled!

  2. What is referred to as "Art" has ceased to be so for many years now. It is instead Little more than visual statements, visual commentary usually confined to the trending politics of the moment. Of course, history books and dusty library stacks are filled with etchings and prints from the past that were created for the same purpose. Although these were produced by men with at least some artistic talent, they were at the time considered
    illustration. Some illustration rises to the level of "Art" but that is the rare exception. The rest is what it is, a commentary on the the day, or a period in time. This is what"Art" has become and future generations will ignore it as something from a bygone era that speaks not to them as Great Art from many hundred of years ago still does to us today.

  3. Fashionably reprehensible and irrelevant as a whole.
