Nov 5, 2020

Big Rock On South Mountain

This past summer,  I walked in off the E. Rock Road to visit Big Rock, on the crest of South Mountain, east of S. 4th Street, or old Rt. 309.  The rock formation, aka Bauer Rock, is covered in graffiti, and the path to it is neglected.  While designated a 77 acre county park, the administration is obviously more concerned with its tenants,  two communication companies taking advantage of the location for their transmission towers, than it is with safe access for the citizens.  It was my intention to investigate the leases, as to their return and value to the taxpayers. There have been decisions made by previous administrations, which I believe were not in the best interests of the citizens.   While I have yet to work on that self assignment, recently I came across this old card.

In 1910, a German company produced a line of postcards featuring what they considered interesting visuals of this area, in the period.  I do not know how popular the cards were at the time, but I certainly find them interesting now, 110 years later.

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