Oct 6, 2020

The Carnival Of Enid's Candidacy

In addition to this blog, I also administer a Facebook page titled Allentown Chronicles.  Recently, when I announced my current write-in campaign for the 183rd State House District, I also posted the announcement on the Facebook page. Because the page is defined as both local history and politics, I felt it was not inappropriate, and not too terribly self-serving.  Recently, a member had submitted several promotions for Enid Santiago's write-in campaign.  Two of them I removed, because other members objected to the solicitation of names, apparently to be contacted by her campaign. The third piece remains,  a youtube of a parade by Santiago and her supporters.  While in fairness I felt compelled to allow her campaign to be represented in the group,  I must confess to finding the parade beyond tasteless. 

Gender bender Eric/Erica Bickford is being charged with election crimes by DA Martin.  If ever there was a political victim, it is Bickford.  While Bickford admits he darkened some ovals so that the scanner could read them, nobody thinks or accuses him of changing even one vote.  Even though Enid Santiago won the district administered by Bickford, she initiated the charges he now faces. Bickford is low-hanging fruit to prosecute...  He doesn't make himself up very well as a woman.

I've known Eric/Erica for well over a decade.  Long before the current Stevens Park became fashionable, Bickford was there, advocating for it.  He has been a spokesman for the most underrepresented people in this city...the people in the back alleys, with no voice or connections to City Hall.

While I realize that Bickford seems bizarre to some, what I really find distasteful is people running for office beeping their car horns and hanging out windows.

As I write this piece Patrick Palmer and others are hyping Enid Santiago.  They must equate loud noise with leadership.  Justin Simmons says that if DA Martin is filing charges,  they must be proper. They may be proper by the book, but hopefully, a jury or judge will realize the innocence involved with the crime.

A more savvy candidate than me would be leaving this whole topic well enough alone, much less defending a rather eccentric election judge, and criticizing a minority candidate.   

As both a blogger and a candidate myself,  I only have one mission, and that is to simply always side with the truth, as I see it.


  1. Everette, has been a good but very unusual person all the years I have known him. So many have gotten away with so much in Allentown and Everette get wacked for an honest mistake. Typical of the Queen City.

  2. Wait, she won the district of Dark-Circle-Gate?? wow... thx...
