Oct 19, 2020

Disgrace On Front Street

Students of this blog know that I'm not a big fan of the Allentown Economic Development Corporation.  Under the Pawlowski regime, they adopted his practice of fluff and puff, devoid of much substance.  Up until now my biggest complaint was their ridiculous plan on restoring the Barber Quarry branch rail line to S. 10 Street.  Although I always oppose removing existing tracks,  there is absolutely no reason to restore now missing tracks on speculation.  The probability of them attracting an industry heavy enough to need rail service is no better than zero.  So far, in about 15 years,  all they managed to do is put a go-kart track in a former Mack factory.  Although they have a $multi-$million $dollar budget, I know landlords who better manage more properties with a pickup truck and cellphone.

But today's post is about the former Neuweiler Brewery.  Mike Fleck, Pawlowski's former indicted campaign/business manager,  hooked up Ruckus Brewing with the AEDC,  which gave them the Neuweiler property.  Although Ruckus is primarily a couple young marketing guys with no actual brewing or property development experience,  they were given several extensions on their Neuweiler option.  They are now allowed to harvest income from renting storage space in the former distribution portion of the brewery, but have made no repairs to the brewery portion itself.  Understand that Pawlowski had the former owner actually jailed for conditions at the property, which is in much worse shape now.

The current condition brings us to a new chapter. Despite its imposing industrial architecture, the building may be beyond feasible saving at this point.  Now anything can be saved, but at what cost? The building is under the public expense program called NIZ.  The NIZ is a unique program, which uses public tax dollars for private ownership.  I would prefer that my state tax dollars not be diverted to save this wreck,  only to enrich some NYC owners.

Now for a reality check.  Only this blog (later joined by LV Ramblings) sounded the whistle on Pawlowski's Allentown.  Only this blog chronicled the situation down at the former brewery. Bureaucrats are always reluctant to cut bait on their previous poor decisions.

above reprinted from 2018

ADDENDUM OCTOBER 19, 2020: Although I have been waging a write-in campaign for State Representative in the 183rd District, the Morning Call hasn't reported my candidacy to their readers in those communities,  which  they purport to serve. Furthermore, they know that unlike many candidates, I do not need the job or career, and that I have been an activist about government for decades. 

Those seeking better representation, and better use of their tax dollars, should network my write-in candidacy to their friends in the district.


  1. Me Molovinsky maybe you can find out how it is that certificates of occupancy can be issued for Parchially finished buildings? Than there is the ultimate question of who and what entity deem the price of blight to be in the millions?

    Thanks for a truly investigative articles that do not bet on one horse alone for the long run as we have all seen the powalski incident.

  2. What I found interesting was when they removed the copper canopy from the loading dock and then later when they applied for more financing tried to make it like someone stole it off the building. The funny part is if you look at the Google Earth pic of the building it shows the dumpster sitting through the fence out front. It is just automatically easier to blame the people of the neighborhood than just admit you did it for the couple bucks you would get in scrap (The building's copper is cheaper, thinner, copper and isn't worth much in the way of scrap).
