Aug 25, 2020

Looking For News In The Trump Era

As a blogger it's important that I stay informed.  Even before the previous election in 2016, a few media companies made a business decision to choose a target audience, with no pretense of objectivity.  As the Trump administration progressed, or declined depending on your point of view,  the concept of objectivity became a rare commodity, perhaps even extinct.

Regardless of how one feels about Trump for president, certainly the sequence of minority speakers at the Republican convention's first night was inspirational.  For CNN to portray the evening as a parade of dishonesty is ironically dishonest.  Even more unfortunate is the former institutions of journalism, such as the NY Times and Washington Post, which now feel morally justified slanting the news.

What will happen to CNN if Trump wins again in 2020? I suppose that they could continue their format, but such an agenda eventually completely erodes credibility. At what point does it become a tabloid at the check out rack, next to the National Enquirer with the Space Aliens Among Us?


  1. CNN under Ted turner was the best news channel ever, when it was bought by an entertainment co. it became not much better than the national enquirer combined with being an outlet for the democrat party.
    MSNBC is nothing more than a propaganda arm of the DNC.

    I find some interesting and an other points of view at OAN and RT and of course C-span still lets you view the debate and make up your own mind.

    Fox news programming is fairly objective but the opinion programs are also biased. It is harder than ever to find the truth, but if you are really interested it is there for the finding.

    Whether you hate or love Trump, his very presence has exposed the corrupt media. They just cant seem to be able to resist any opportunity to attempt to discredit and attack.

  2. Even sadder are the otherwise intelligent and well educated people who continue to believe media outlets that have been caught time and again reporting falsehoods, distortions, half truths, and hoaxes as the absolute truth. For three years all these same outlets told us that Trump and hos campaign colluded with Putin to steal the 2016 election, this all began less than a month after Obama told America "no serious person would believe it is possible to rigged an election". Clearly too many Democrats have allowed hatred and anger to overrule judgement and intellectual integrity. They have become consumed by passion to the point radicalism. Frankly it is becoming dangerous.

  3. CNN is controlled by Democrats, they can't and will not do objective journalism.
