Jul 17, 2020

Waiting In The Wings In Allentown

The Morning Call is featuring a story on the recent protests and the leaders thereof. The theme is that Allentown is now a minority-majority community, and these new groups are the new message.  Never mind that during the recent protests the chants included We Demand Or....Defund The Police and F*ck The Police.

Other minority-majority communities which had the same dialogue decades ago, such as Detroit and Chicago,  have high crime rates, despite ample minority representation.  Cities which have ostracized their police departments, like Baltimore, have officers routinely stand down  or call out sick.

Allentown's demographic changes have been reflected in its changing governance.  Currently, three of the seven council members are from minority communities. The police department is headed by a chief respected by all sectors of the population.

I believe, factoring everything in, that Allentown is doing fairly well.  The strawberry pie in Hess's Patio is never coming back. Most people now in Allentown don't even know what that reference means.  Even those who want changes should be careful what they wish for.


ADDENDUM: I expect this post to be my last in regard to the event of last Saturday, and the protests that followed thereafter. In addition to those events, the Morning Call treatment of the story also deserved examination. I suspect that their coverage was more sympathetic to the protesters, than to the sentiments of their remaining paid subscribers.

UPDATE JULY 17, 6:30PM: Although the district attorney determined that the police acted reasonably last Saturday, those same "leaders" glorified by the Morning Call are now calling for the officer to be fired and more demonstrations, starting tonight.


  1. An ethics complaint has been filed against Ce-Ce Gerlach and Josh Siegle. Here is part of it,

    "This past week we witnessed several protests and in attendance were Council Members Cece Gerlach and Joshua Siegel marching, shouting, and appearing to be joining in the chanting:

    "F... the Police"
    "F... the who? The Police!"
    "What do we want? Justice! When do we want it? Now! If we don't get it, shut it down."

    VIOLATION I: In a terrible violation of trust, Council Member Siegel appears to divulge to the protest leader the personal phone number of Mayor O'Connell which was then shared to the more than 500 viewers online and those in attendance to harass the Mayor and his family.

    This is clearly reprehensible behavior on the part of these two council people and they need to be held to account.

  2. It is absolutely mind boggling that seemingly decent, educated people are willing participants in the cratering of their property values, the destruction of public health and safety, and the complete evisceration of their moral fiber and backbones.

    These lunatics are so completely indoctrinated in this quasi-religious doctrine that they even go so far as to make proud public displays of their submission to bullies, miscreants, sociopath, addicts, wannabe revolutionaries, and every other variety of human refuse as if they are examples of moral fortitude. They can't even recognize how they are marching off into a slow, steady Jones Town like collective suicide.

  3. Agree with MM's points about Detroit/Chicago/Baltimore, and Doug's comments above.

    Unfortunately, too many who support this movement don't know their history, and are more than willing to support the same policies that have been proven to lead to failure in those cities.

    Of course, that presupposes that those running those movements actually care about what their failed policies cause. Black Lives Matter (the group) and the related groups are facilitated by ActBlue, which supports the Democrat Party.

    By fostering unrest and helping our cities deteriorate, the Democrats and their surrogate groups have build a reliable block of dependent voters. That what this is truly about. The democrats don't care about whether their policies work or what our cities become as long as they can harvest enough votes each election. And if they can energize inner-city voters against Trump in this election, that an added bonus.

    Sadly, many who claim to be affected by the distant history of slavery are unwittingly helping to support policies and a political party that will keep them under the thumb of democrat politicians for the rest of their lives.
