Jul 27, 2020

The Meek Fail To Speak At Fairgrounds

Although I spoke out against the Noise Exemption Zone for the Maingate nightclub at city council,  I decided not to attend the LCB hearing at the club itself. That decision was based on the fact that I would be again speaking for people who were still too meek to do so for themselves.

Candida Affa lobbied the 19th Street Civic Theater not to oppose. The West End Alliance also didn't say one word about the noise exemption zone. When two such groups won't speak out, let them endure the consequence of their timidness.... and there will be consequences. I do however feel bad for the numerous elderly living in the neighborhood. The city failed to inform the neighborhood, and the Morning Call's reach is less and less.

If the zone is put into effect, the Maingate will become one loud place. For those elderly living nearby with hearing impairments, they'll be able to feel the beat.

The livability of the neighborhood still has a couple of chances. The LCB must approve the zone. Although almost no opposers showed up, perhaps the LCB saw through the charade. Furthermore, the Maingate license is still under review, because of its previous history of noise complaints.

For the city to have lobbied for a Disruption And Noise Zone is almost beyond belief.  Candida herself previously advocated for a nuisance ordinance, after the shootings on lower Hamilton Street.
If everything goes the Maingate's way, they will no longer be under the LCB noise levels. Although the city says that they will use the same noise level, it's naive to believe that the same politics which sponsored a special exemption zone for them, won't likewise turn a deaf ear to any complaints.


  1. It’s hypocritical to hold the Main Gate to a high standard when concerts in the nearby Fairgrounds venue are far louder and mor disruptive to the neighborhood.

    Having lived nearby since the Nixon administration, I can tell you that the Allentown Fair is an annual event that we endure. Aside from the INCREDIBLY LOUD concerts every night, the entire neighborhood is swarmed with vehicles haphazardly parked by out of towners who would rather walk a half a mile than spend $10 parking.

    Canceling the fair this year is a silver lining to this pandemic.

  2. Aaron the smell alone is horrific and assaults ones nostrils for blocks around the area for that week.

  3. Now Grammy and the grandchildren will get to enjoy the main gate year around. Gram won't even need her hearing aid. Boom Chaka Lacka!

    1. This attitude shows once again how the "creep" of loud, unruly behavior will continue west from center city ad infinitum. The day will come when there will not be a "nice, quiet neighborhood" left. I see it in my own neighborhood in the blocks north of the Trexler School.
