Jul 14, 2020

Allentown's Floating Opera

In John Barth's famous story Floating Opera, the author notes that the town folk can only see that part of the performance as the barge with the actors floats by. They do not know what happened before or after the floating stage is within their view.  So it appears with the incident Saturday night in front of Sacred Heart Hospital.

While the short video, which circulated social media Saturday evening, ends the policeman's knee on the sick man's head, it doesn't show that it was only there for a total of about five seconds, and only there to facilitate getting a spit shield installed, to protect the hospital personnel from germs.

At the midnight demonstration Saturday night, and again last night during the protest march, the leaders were demanding the name of the officer. They were demanding that the police be defunded. They were chanting F*ck The Police. 

If ever there was a thankless job, those police officers have it. 

photocredit:Rick Kintzel/The Morning Call
Full video at hospital from WFMZ


  1. Chaos for chaos's sake, and attention and the spotlight to those who grab the bull horn to whipped up the throng already simmering thanks to the media's long running race based narrative of injustice and oppression. Perps and victims, a simple tale that seems to explain everything and absolve all who have not of any self reflection on their own failings by pointing the finger at those who have and accusing them of taking it all for themselves. "They are responsible for your plight, not you" Sound familiar? It's the oldest trick in the big and the crowds still buys it. Again, thanks you media and self serving partisan politicians for greasing the skids for Allentown's demagogues. The first fruits of your invidious works are now ripening.

  2. A few thoughts crossed my mind as I watched the entire video, watched the protest, and read this post:

    1) At the end of the latest video, once the suspect is controlled, the one officer throws off his Covid mask and looks disgusted. I don't know whether that look was because he had to roll around with a recently-vomiting suspect; or because a simple act of assistance was turned (by the suspect) into a forceful detention; or whether he was just gassed from having to get a resisting person under control. But the words "thankless job" don't even begin to cover it.

    2) Watching the protest, the first thing I thought was how the public school system (likely) has failed so many. The sheer stupidity of some of those speaking was apparent and was the mental equivalent of a child throwing a tantrum. That there were others in the crowd actually APPLAUDING the idiocy being spewed was appalling.

    3) Anyone objectively watching that video can't put ANY blame on the police officers. Those that do are opportunists, trying to capitalize on a (very) slim similarity to the George Floyd video. Once again, I noticed a political component to the "protest", and it's becoming more and more obvious that politics (and power) are at play in the race-baiting tactics of the protest organizers.

    4) Back to the "thankless job" aspect of policing. It was just a few months ago that we were celebrating our police and other first responders for continuing to put their lives on the line during the pandemic. That seems eons ago. In the video, the officers attempt to help an obviously sick and vomiting man. With the coronavirus, I'm not sure how many of us would want to even APPROACH someone having a coughing fit, much less actively vomiting. But the police really didn't hesitate. They should be commended for that.

    5) Finally, I heard this morning that our mental giant on City Council - CeCe Gerlach - has pronounced that the officers involved violated the APD Use of Force policy. She's wrong, but she's so bigoted and outright stupid that she won't be able to see it. I'm so happy that she's on Council to share her wisdom, after previously helping to bankrupt the school district as a Board member there. Elections do have consequences, and Allentown is paying dearly for its choices.

  3. Is there a bigger collection of clueless idiots than our city council? Good job Allentown voters! You have destroyed this city.

  4. MM, someone has allways been posting about the great Allentown fair and it not comming this year? We have it right down in riellyville with all the empty background props and the march yesterday.

  5. I think it would be an excellent idea at the next city council meeting to do an exact reenactment and have CeCe Gerlach demonstrate the proper method she'd use. Better yet have her go out on one of these calls. See how she handles it while the police stand by and watch.

  6. After watching the updated video it would seem our local community organizers crashed and burned on this protest.The useful idiots keep marching with the encouragement of Council members Ce Ce Gerlach and Seigle and others for their 15 minutes of fame

  7. Our city is in dire straits.The misguided protests over the subduing of a person resisting being taken into custody FOR HIS OWN SAFETY is just the latest episode. Eight seconds does not constitute excessive force and does not rise to the details involved in the George Floyd situation. The first problem lies with LACK OF A STABLE FAMILY LIFE. The second is the POOR ASD SITUATION, with high school students not being able to make change for a dollar bill as I observed in training an employee at work. Thirdly, these problems will not disappear anytime soon with a COMPLETE DEMOCRAT DYNASTY, City Council, Office of Mayor and liberal School Board. I am convinced that we will NEVER AGAIN elect a Republican within the Allentown city limits.

  8. I have it on good authority from someone who was there that Ce-Ce chanted f*ck the police. And laughed at the fact the cops recently gave ice cream to kids.

  9. I can only hope that with three former police officers on Council, they and one other will stand up to the mob.

    The mob's "demands" should be swiftly rejected, and the hiring of the new police officers should not be delayed.
