Jun 3, 2020

Devining Trump From Scheller

One would have thought that Trump's endorsement would have had more weight in the Scheller/Browne primary than it did. It was a very close race, with the margin of victory much less than expected.

On paper, Scheller's gender and financial self-sufficiency should have been formidable enough to take on Wild for her party.  Add the President's backing,  and Scheller should have been able to rest easy Tuesday night.  Since that was not the case,  would she had faired as well or even better without the endorsement?  Although I cannot devine that answer,  I think that this primary result doesn't bode well for Trump come November.

It is thought that Pennsylvania is essential for Trump, and that the Lehigh Valley is essential for Pennsylvania.  If Trump's weight helped Scheller so little,  how strong will he be here in the fall?

Between now and then, Trump is facing a historically steep hill.  With unemployment above 16% and a hostile media,  he needed some positive feedback.  Scheller's win on Tuesday didn't deliver on that.


  1. I totally disagree on the part about how the Trump endorsement affected the Republican primary.

    You might have had a point if one of the candidates were anti-Trump, but in this race BOTH candidates ran as strong Trump supporters. Add to it that despite Scheller having Trump's personal endorsement, the perpetually truth-challenged Browning was telling voters up till the end that Scheller was anti-Trump and somehow not actually endorsed by the President.

    This may have led to confusion among potential voters, which when combined with the negative aspects of the campaign may have kept some voters from voting in the race.

    In any event, Pennsylvania will be important for Trump in the Fall, and a Republican win in the 7th District will still be an uphill battle in what is now a district with a democrat registration edge.

  2. Unknown@1:28, prior to Trump's endorsement, I saw little to no mention of Trump by Scheller. I now expect to again see little to no mention of Trump by her.

  3. Again, I'd have to disagree.

    I heard Scheller mention her support for both Trump and his policies well before the official endorsement arrived on her birthday. I would imagine that the President did also, and that was why he chose to endorse her.

    In any event, I don't think that is going to be walked back in the General. Scheller will need Trump voters and Trump voters will want her over Susan Wild.

    Wild is way out of step with many independents in the Valley and even some in her own party. While I expect that some might not appreciate Trump's style, they realize that many of his policies have been good for the country.

    When it comes to Scheller or Wild in November, Scheller is the better choice.

  4. Unknown@2:27, I didn't attend any events by Scheller or Wild. In her public literature and facebook, I recall no mention of Trump, until the endorsement. We'll see how much Trump is mentioned from today onward. We agree that Trump supporters will also vote for Scheller.

    As an independent, blogger and facebook group administrator(Allentown Chronicles), I seldom make endorsements. I expect to follow that policy in this race.

  5. I believe it was a mistake for Scheller to embrace Trump, and she did. As much as this may have helped her in the primary, and it does not appear to have helped much, she may have doomed herself in the general.
