May 4, 2020

Courting Mediocrity In Name Of Wokeness

Allentown School System tabled naming the new elementary school after General Hays, a nurse who became the first woman general in the army.  An incredibly accomplished person, Hays would have been the first woman an Allentown School is named after.  Hays had served in WW2, Korea and Vietnam.  However Hays, who graduated Allentown High in 1938, had a defect, she was white.

The local black leaders want someone who reflects the current diversity of the system.  Rev. Gregory Edwards and Phyllis Alexander both wrote the school board complaining about Hays.

Perhaps they should name the school after Philadelphia Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw.  She instructed the police force not to arrest for minor infractions, like theft and prostitution, during the virus crisis.  Large groups of young people were running amok in center city Philadelphia, scooping up everything their backpacks could hold. Meanwhile at City Hall, woke mayor Jim Kenney stayed silent about this decline in civilization. Only this weekend, after a merchant and citizen backlash, did Outlaw and Kenney finally reverse policy.

Philadelphia inner city kids were taught a bad lesson by their police commissioner and mayor. Likewise,  Allentown students are being neglected, not by a lack of computers, but of leadership by the school board. They had done well in choosing Hays, and should stick to their decision.  Character and accomplishment should be more important than complexion.

photo of Hays being awarded the Distinguished Service Medal by Westmoreland in 1971  


  1. Reward mediocrity and lower standards and you will get more mediocrity and lower standards.

  2. Not so Reverend Edwards also slandered Dr Russ Mayo, "a racist" at a public school board meeting. Dr Mayo a good man who dedicated hos life to public education and was considered an authority on urban education was extremely shaken by the slur Edwards directed at him. It was a sad and shocking sight. Reverend Edwards is a political grandstander trying to climb higher by destroying others and creating division.He does a disservice to the word of God by wearing a collar. I wonder if he has ever confessed his sin of "bearing false witness". if he has, he has never said so publicly.

  3. "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

    Isn't it time that these community "leaders", along with the school board members and other politicians who buy into their narrative, go down the 4th and Union and pull down the statue of MLK and his wife?

    They obviously don't believe in what MLK believed in, and are intent on destroying what he stood for.

    At least if they tore down the statue they'd be honest about what they're doing.

  4. With the district's deficit in crisis and the online education program in shambles how can the School Board waste their valuable time with this nonsense.Please educate the students and draft a budget .

  5. The district, both the superintendent and the board have been withholding/hiding the preliminary budget from the public since late December. As last years budget was 6-10 million in the red the budget for the upcoming fiscal year has to be disastrous. There is no doubt both parties will use the virus as an excuse for it all but truthfully it will only be a drop in the bucket of revenue shortfalls. The truth is they have been knowingly overspending, way beyond their means for the past four years. This is no doubt woke budgeting. The wheels have come off the district and the chassis is careening towards a cliff, yet not so Reverend Edwards continues to be preoccupied with creating racial divides.
