Apr 2, 2020

The Aineyville Viaduct

The other day I referred to myself as a local historian. I earned that self appointed degree by a long standing interest in local history.  Another interest, photography, enabled me to record some things that are no longer here to see. My degree is not unique. As I mentioned several times before, the local rail buffs are the real local historians. Their knowledge of our former industrial base is unsurpassed. Shown above is the Aineyville Viaduct (Bridge), which allowed  Lehigh Valley Transit's Liberty Bell trolley to cross over Trout Creek,  on the way to Philadelphia. Shown in the background is the Good Shepherd Home.  The bridge was in line with St. John Street.   Aineyville refers to the area south of Trout Creek, now referred to as South Allentown,  in the area of S. 4th  and Basin Streets.  The photo dates from 1948, photographer unknown.  The viaduct was dismantled in 1953.

reprinted from August of 2013


  1. This must be the trolley bridge I remember. Interesting, my memory recalled it much for scary, maybe because I was 8 when it was removed, and it was before that.

  2. My mom rode over this viaduct on the Liberty Bell 1000 cars. According to her it was scary because the trestle was only across the Reading RR/s East Penn Junction. The remainder of the viaduct did not have sides and the car body was wider than the rails. Not only when you looked down did you see nothing but the creek, but heading south the trolleys picked up speed coming down St. John St so when they hit the bridge they were swaying.
