Apr 17, 2020

Morning Call Taken To Task

While I'm still battling with the Morning Call about their not allowing my expose on the conspiracy against Wehr's Dam, I am now in good company criticizing their editorial policy.

Yesterday, Richard Anderson, CEO of St. Luke's Health Network, publicly revealed that the paper refuses to print his response piece to an article which appeared on March 29th. That article questioned how much financial help hospitals actually need as a consequence of the corona virus situation.

I have no expertise in the merits of either the paper's article, or Anderson's reply to it. What interests me is the audacity of the paper not printing his response.

Even after I documented my claim that the Wildlands Conservancy was communicating inappropriately with the state about the dam, the editor responded that it didn't prove anything. It did prove that he feels the purpose of the opinion page is to reflect his opinion, and not that of the public.

When the rejected editorial is from a local blogger, with a limited audience, the damage of that repression is limited. When a rejected editorial is from a respected CEO of one of the valley's largest and most important institutions, that editor will have to defend his decision.


  1. Hospital Wars with conflicts of intrests published as facts. Fact is LVHN will be receiving the bulk of any wuhun virus stimulus payments. Allentown is still just a corrupt institution that the fall guy mayor is in jail for his criminal trying to bully the bullies out of a little of there monies.

  2. Censorship is alive and well in this country. Just post a blog about Bloomberg, Epstein, or the environmental movement and see how quickly it is blocked. There seems to be a coordinated effort by all the media, both print and electronic to control freedom of speech. Why do they fear other opinions and even facts?

  3. The Call is good for advertisements and the obits

  4. The Call really stepped in it this time! Everyone has seen this letter and it's devastating! Very deserved dress down to a paper that has done so much harm to Allentown.

  5. It's clear the Morning Call story was on opinion piece posing as objective reporting. The health chains have their own motives, needs, and goals as every institution does. None of this excuses the Call's Yellow Journalism.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I have experienced a real change in the LETTERS TO THE EDITOR since Robert Orienstein retired. Bob was in touch with our communities and citizens. That is all gone now.
