Feb 21, 2020

Morning Call's Soft Coverage

As a local political blogger, I had to snicker at the headline shown above. While the Morning Call has never attributed a shed of credibility to Donald Trump, they now wondered if Pawlowski's punishment was too harsh? If newspapers were judged, the Morning Call would be found guilty of being clueless about a corrupt mayor for 13 years.

 I've broken several stories about irregularities occurring in the valley. One was several years ago, about the highest paid positions at Lehigh Valley Health Network having offices above the arena, so that Reilly could harvest their state taxes. While the paper never investigated or printed the story, Wednesday night I heard it repeated at the City Council meeting. I take satisfaction in contributing to the local knowledge, even if I'm ignored by the paper. The Morning Call likewise continues to ignore my revelations about how the Wildlands Conservancy is conspiring with South Whitehall, to bypass the voter's referendum on Wehr's Dam.

The paper's new editor-in-chief, Mike Miorelli, while recently editorializing about the paper's gumption, hasn't shown any.

The newspaper article above wondering if Pawlowski's sentence was too harsh was signed Staff, instead of a reporter's name. I can understand not wanting credit for that story.

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