Nov 14, 2019

Lehigh Valley History, A Thing of Wonder Gone

The former greenhouse at the current Trexler Park was the pride of Harry and Mary Trexler. The General was very specific in his will about its future;
I, Harry C. Trexler declare this to be my last Will and Testament: ......into the Treasury of the City of Allentown, for the perpetual maintenance of said Park, (Trexler) as well as the Greenhouse thereon located. This bequest shall include all the plants and other contents of said Greenhouse (1929)
Although nobody in charge of Allentown remembers, the greenhouse was a thing of wonder. Full of banana trees and other tropical plants, it was a true escape from winter for all visitors. Its demolition was a project that the Wildlands Conservancy would have loved. The park director at the time touted all the money in maintenance to be saved. He then took that projected money and planted the southeast section of the park along Cedar Creek in natural species. Several years ago Allentown Park Department cut down all those plantings, and we now have nothing to show for our loss of the greenhouse.

Flash ahead thirty years, and South Whitehall Township will demolish another thing of wonder, if not stopped. The Wildlands Conservancy paid an engineering firm to compromise their credibility with an absurd report, on how expensive it would be to keep Wehr's Dam. I will not let the dam go quietly.


  1. Now with the new walking trail, it has the chance to attract many to the banks of the dam. I for 1 took a walk and it was beautiful. The wildlife abound . It was the first of many times I will be there

  2. You should start an on-line petition.

    It would be a constantly-updating indication of the will of the people, and will help keep interest in the issue alive.

    The politicians will try to ignore it, but they'll do so at their own peril.

  3. It's a shame I never saw the green house. I am a big plant fan and of course as you know a Trexler fan.

  4. unknown 6:23, there was a petition, both online and in person. Over 7,000 people signed over the course of a year at the dam itself. Residents thought that when they approved the referendum in 2016 that they had saved the dam. For the Wildlands to conspire against the voter's wishes with the state is wrong. For the South Whitehall commissioners to go along with this deception is wrong. Welcome to the Lehigh Valley
