Oct 17, 2019

Broom Needed At Allentown City Hall

When former mayor Pawlowski was convicted, there were those who called for a clean sweep of city hall.  At the time I argued against it.  I felt that the city needed the remaining institutional knowledge, and that Pawlowski's downfall would sufficiently put the necessary fear in the bureaucracy... I was wrong.

I will be appearing in District Court this morning as a witness for a harassed homeowner.  She has  apparently been victimized to accommodate a friend of a city supervisor.  Corruption is not only limited to bribery and graft, but includes abuse of power and violation of citizen rights.

About a decade ago, blogger Bernie O'Hare and I teamed up to expose some shenanigans in Pawlowski's city hall.  Although we have not cooperated for several years,  we will be sharing notes on this story.


  1. Ray's comment at the debate that "when the mayor hands you a no tax increase budget you pass it" provides ample reason he needs to go, because it t confirms his rubber stamp approach to holding public office. Without a second thought, he and everyone else in city hall and government rubber stamped everything that Ed sent his way. That was their job under Ed and they all did it. Ray has been mayor for over a year and has changed nothing, he is rudderless and completely lacking in vision. He could of at least cleared out the cronies but apparently according to his own words didn't because he put partisanship ahead of the public good. He has stated numerous times that his one achievement is that he "kept the city blue". Doesn't that statement tell us all we need to know about Ray and his approach to governance?

    The Democratic Party Machine has kept the city blue, that was always their primary goal, a secondary one was to enrich themselves in the process. We the public, and public good were never part of their agenda.

    1. If that was Ray's comment at the debate, he must have slept through the three earned income tax hikes he voted for as Pawlowski's councilman.

      He must have also forgotten about the storm water tax he supposedly was against (once it was apparent it would pass without his vote) when on council and running for Mayor two years ago. Yet somehow he still hasn't done anything to repeal it since becoming Mayor, despite his strong opposition to it [sarcasm intended].

  2. The court certainly tried to accommodate the city by allowing the inspector to cite an item not on the complaint, but was forced to find the homeowner not guilty, when she produced a permit from 2002, demonstrating that the item was grandfathered. Unfortunately the court also chose to ignore documented improprieties. One wonders if other property owners are being harassed and abused?

  3. You are correct - a broom is needed at City Hall, and it should start at the top.

    Fortunately, Ray O'Connell is up for election this year.

    I'm hoping that today's headline means that MM is endorsing Tim Ramos for Mayor.
