Sep 10, 2019

Shootings Now Normal In Allentown

When I looked at the digital version of the Morning Call Monday morning, the weekend shootings were the 7th story down the page. The Friday and Sunday shootings were lumped together in one article. By Monday afternoon the shooting story was at the bottom of page.

When shootings have become so commonplace in a city this size, we are indeed a cesspool. When our elected officials are so incensed that someone would dare use that term, it is they who should apologize. They should apologize for thinking that the citizens should consider this level of violence as normal. They should apologize for wanting to put image above safety.

As for the ones who say we should stop complaining, and join them in the marches for harmony, I feel no sense of security from their performances. They for the most part are either being paid to work in the new violence industry, or hope to be elected.

Years ago I complained about the poverty industry.... Those groups and organizations that specialized in the poor. Now that we have a violence industry,  the advocates for the poor seem like the good old days.


  1. Has the media moved from excusing to acceptance? But a better question is why aren't those charged by the voters to run the city every questioned about their potential culpability inn this and all of Allentown's other issues?

  2. Frankly, I don’t see anyone with the stomach to address the problems, in our local cesspool or in the liberal cesspools that have been created across the country. Look at NYC, Chicago, etc. The culture needs to change. That’s a long, hard process.

  3. Allentown was so different only twenty years ago, and it's hard to comprehend the damage that's been done in under 20 years.

    Allentown missed three big opportunities when:

    1) Afflerbach def. Lovett
    2) Pawlowski def. Heydt
    3) O'Connell def. Hyman

    If you're looking as to why the city's in the shape it is today, or why nothing is questioned, it's simple. There's no accountability from voters.

    In a sane city, a party with this history of corruption and colossal mistakes would have been voted out of the Mayor's office for at least a term.

    We're seeing the results of one party rule, where facts and results of policies don't matter - only winning does.

    And voters will do it again in November.

  4. Unknown, you are 100% correct. For proof I offer exhibit A, Ce-Ce Gerlach, one of the main contributors to the fiscal ruin of the school district is now running for council. She has yards signs on the properties of home owners who are otherwise functional. What explains this? Even Morning Call readers would know the calamity that is the school district and her role in it as a school board member. Yet in spite of this, for whatever reason they believe she is exactly what we need on city council. I sat at a barbecue on the west end with Pawlowski apologists who denied he ever did anything wrong and was the best thing for the city since sliced bread. A week later he was indicted. Very satisfying! That said, these were well informed, and well educated people who refused to see the obvious. Is it the water? No! It's liberals who are so blindly partisan they can no longer see straight. Remember, they re-elected Ed after he was indicted. Unless and until enough clear minded people move into the city to vote for the best candidate instead of their candidate the city is doomed to more of the same.
