Sep 19, 2019

Gag Me With A Spoon

For those who don't realize it, J.B. Reilly literally owns the Morning Call building, and the paper is his tenant. Yesterday's paper featured Reilly's new Artswalk food court on the front page.

Some of the nuggets from the article,  by the reporter....No matter what your taste buds are craving, there’s a good chance they’ll be satisfied at the Downtown Allentown Market...

From Reilly's leasing agent.... “We hope we’ve created a really fun environment where people can come and enjoy the food, their friends and family, and then stay downtown, visit some of the stores and just really enjoy all of what downtown Allentown has to offer,”  What stores would that be?

 From a food vendor ... “I was born and raised in south Allentown, so when this opportunity arose, I immediately jumped at the chance to give back to my community,”  Give back, is your food free?

From another vendor...   “My husband and I really enjoy coming to downtown Allentown because we love trying new restaurants and attending events at the PPL Center, so it just seemed like a no-brainer to add to that evolving food scene,"   Hope  there are more events scheduled at the arena in the future, than there has been so far.

My father operated a small meat market downtown on Union Street.  Each Thursday he would pay for a 4X5 inch advertisement in the Morning Call,  hoping that his ad would appear somewhere in the paper that people would see it.  Needless to say, it was never a free article on the front page.

I do wish the vendors success. Although I don't know how much Reilly made them pony up, they will be working long hours.

Morning Call photo, front page


  1. Where can I get a hot roast beef sandwich, with gravy, french fries and a Coke at any of these places (restaurant?) that my taste buds are craving ?

  2. it appears to have all the charm of an airport food court.

  3. From the original post:

    "My father operated a small meat market downtown on Union Street. Each Thursday he would pay for a 4X5 inch advertisement in the Morning Call, hoping that his ad would appear somewhere in the paper that people would see it."

    If only he would have lived in a time when he could use taxpayer money to buy the newspaper BUILDING, not just a newspaper advertisement. Then he could have put stories about HIS business on the front page!

    Doing it Reilly's way is cheaper than buying ads nowadays.

    And in a totally unrelated story, the Morning Call never investigated any pay-to-play connections between some in the NIZ and Pawlowski after the FBI raided City Hall.

    Nothing to see there.

  4. "Give back, is your food free?"

    This is absolute brilliance from Molovinsky but I fear that America is already too far gone and totally eager to buy the BS that is being peddled by the virtue-signaling vendor.
