Jul 9, 2019

Shootings And The Renaissance

One wonders if there can be a true renaissance, when drive-by shootings are occurring three blocks away. Although discussions of this sort are referred to as nay-saying in Allentown, that reality is affecting the marketplace. Lehigh Valley Health Network was supposed to put their orthopedic satellite on Hamilton, at the arena. After realizing that patients wouldn't go there, they chose the Westfield Building, out on Tilghman street. To fulfill their obligation to J.B. Reilly, they instead installed a fitness center. However, to induce employees to go down there and use it, they must now hire security personnel to escort the nurses to their cars. Although Pawlowski and his police chief say that crime is down, the nurses know better, they see too many victims. Reilly is succeeding in inducing a critical mass of office workers into the zone. They will need lunch, and there will be a market for restaurants. The success of any shops remains to be seen. How many new apartments can be supported, and who will occupy them, also remains to be seen.

Rumors are starting to circulate that Pawlowski is making plans to resign. Consequently, there are discussions on who council would appoint to replace him. This blog will wait to address that topic when a change occurs. However, the uncertainty doesn't help Reilly's Marketplace.

artwork courtesy of Mark Beyer

above reprinted from July of 2015

UPDATE JULY 9, 2019: When I wrote the above post four years ago, I never imagined that Pawlowski would get reelected again, and hang around until they were ready to drag him away to prison. I also never imagined that shootings would become a common event in Allentown. The latest one at the Maingate Nightclub unfortunately illustrates how mainstream they have become. There is no renaissance in Allentown, despite all the promotion that Reilly and The Morning Call can fabricate. On the contrary, the new buildings are just a ironic backdrop to a rapid decline in the civility and livability of the city.


  1. Pennsylvania ranks 45th in the list of Best States to Start a Business.


  2. The current lawlessness is a result of many, many bad decisions. Single parent families, reliance on street thugs instead of family, and the downtown is just that - a facade. New buildings, but very limited support from restaurants, grocery stores, movie houses, etc. Office workers are known to come to work, usually have lunch at their respective employers locations, and go home at 5 PM. The curtain drops after the sunsets and the ne'er do wells arrive - ready to wreak havoc on citizens. Good luck with that!!

  3. Billion dollar investments in revitalizing a worn out downtown are totally wiped out by a 100 dollars worth of bullets in 2 shootings.
    A sad state of affairs.

  4. Billion dollar investments in revitalizing a worn out downtown are totally wiped out by a 100 dollars worth of bullets in 2 shootings.
    A sad state of affairs.

  5. you gota wonder what if they had done nothing over the last 50 years and just let things take their course . instead of these expensive pipe dreams and development projects which appear to only make things worse

  6. You people speak like Allentown is the only city in America who face issues such as these. Instead of embracing the change and positive direction Allentown has taken, you claim to know better and pan the advancements made. A Molovinsky image of Allentown would look quite different and I assure you 1000 times worse than what is happening now. You all make me sick.
