Jun 14, 2019

A Busy Week At Fairview

As the blog week started with Fairview Cemetery, so it will end.  I sort of feel like one of the grandfathers of the current effort there.  While I did suggest to Tyler Fatzinger to start Revive Fairview Cemetery,  he has accomplished more in a week than I ever imagined.  He has arranged publicity for the effort with local media, in addition to investigating what recourses both the city and state could provide.  Furthermore, he has reached out to various local elected officials. Overall, he has created a genuine buzz about solving the problems there.

One person who took interest in the cemetery is an old friend of the operator.  Although he never visited the cemetery prior to this week, he recommended giving the operator an opportunity to work with those volunteering their time, claiming that the operator is willing to cooperate.  Another veteran of the problems there pointed out that the operator has made those commitments before, and that the cemetery is actually in worse shape now than ever.

Tyler Fatzinger suggests applying pressure from all angles, including contacting the attorney general's office.  Tyler pointed out to me that he is only 26 years old, and prepared to be engaged for the long haul.


  1. MM -

    I find it laudable that Mr. Fatzinger has gotten involved in attempting to improve the conditions at Fairview.

    However, I find it incredibly regrettable that he has chosen to limit participation in his efforts by using Facebook (a company that aggressively collects, sells and generally abuses user information) to chronicle and publicize his endeavor.

    This will keep many, including myself, from actively following and becoming more involved in his efforts.

    1. What other ways do you suggest I reach out to others including your self to get more people involved?

  2. Unknown@6:08, facebook may indeed have shortcomings, but his endeavor isn't about that issue, but rather Fairview.

    On the topic of facebook, readers may know that I have started a page, ALLENTOWN CHRONICLES. Although it mostly centers around the 20th Century commerce and industry of Allentown, it will also cover local issues in a non-partisan fashion. I feel that another issue venue, especially a troll free one, is needed.

    1. MM -

      I think it's more than FaceBook having "shortcomings".

      FaceBook has sold user information to those supporting Brexit and to the Trump campaign in 2016. They also use facial recognition to identify people you're associating with in your photos.

      That should be chilling to all, no matter if you support Trump/Brexit or not. Their whole business model is collecting your personal information and selling to whoever they want/can.

      While some might not care about their privacy or the intrusions, other do and won't go near FaceBook. I'd hate to see a good cause (the cemetery) fail because of that.

  3. Tyler Fatzinger@8:43, I would think that if Unknown was really interested in helping out at Fairview, your use of facebook wouldn't stop him or anybody else. In reality, there is no venue which would reach more people, especially one free to use.

  4. I don't get the focus on Cemeteries. It's a waste of land. Really, who cares about someone who's dead? I think burial is pagan. More than 50% of the people are now being cremated.

  5. Tyler -

    There are smarter people than I who could make that recommendation. I would recommend something that doesn't require a sign-in or registration. I don't think it has to be either/or. Some people don't mind giving up their personal info to FaceBook, others do.

    Ideally, you can find a way that will reach the people who don't want to turn their info over to FaceBook, and doesn't create too much extra work for you.

    It's already a limited number of people who care about cemeteries (as Doug B's comment above proves), so I don't think you want to limit who will get the message.

    I thank you for your advocacy for the issue/cemetery, and wish you well.

  6. I have followed MM and other local blogs for years, tesponding only using anonymous until this time. However, it now appears that the MM blog has been infected by the leftist swarm. Arguing about or over something as basic as cemetery upkeep reminds me of the Mueller Report. I will contact Mr. Fatzinger soon to offer assistance, and ignore Unknown and doug b. Yeah, I'm stuck in Easton, but have a wide range of interests and contacts. Thanks Mr. MM.

  7. I thank you for all of your inputs. I am 26 and grew up in the tech time. I dont know many places other than fb to post this issue to. I have contacted district attorney, state rep, health Bureau, sweep, mcall, and locals. I am working on getting ahold of more people. I'll take any suggestions telephone numbers blogs contacts of anyone.

  8. Tyler@5:18, once again you're doing a great job, and facebook is a great medium to gather support for this type of effort.
