May 24, 2019

Open Mike

This posting is intended to provide an opportunity to comment on any topic, or on a previous posting.  Anonymous comments were permitted on this post for several hours.


  1. The Mueller investigation found that neither Trump nor anyone in his campaign colluded with the Russians in 2016. Yet that exoneration is insufficient for the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, Jerrold Nadler. He wants public hearings with present and past White House aides under oath to put on a show trial for a national TV audience.

    The euphemism for this swarm attack is “Congressional oversight of the executive.” And Trump is not wrong to see in it a conspiracy to bring down his presidency and impeach and remove him.

    When are all these lies, spying, doing nothing to protect US citizens, going to ‘blow up.’

    I don’t care if you like Trump or not. He was duly elected. Let the guy do his job. I get what the Demonrats are doing. They are trying to ‘tie him up’ with distraction after distraction.

    I have not read anything that states why the Dem’s want his bank records. I thought you need probable cause to get private documents. Crazy Nancy said she believed Trump was involved in a cover-up. Cover-up of what? I think it comes very close to slander.

  2. Over the last 1 1/2 years, I have noticed a marked increase in the number of people from outside the Lehigh Valley moving into West Allentown and South Whitehall Township. These individuals appear to be coming not only from Northern New Jersey, but also greater NYC. Driving Hamilton Boulevard and Cedar Crest, I've noticed much more unusual out-of-state license plates, such as Maryland, North Carolina and Missouri. I have also noticed a definite uptick in the number transients / homeless people as well. I have seen panhandlers at Crest Plaza, Wegmans and the new Whole Foods store on the Bypass. I'm wondering if others have noticed these trends as well, and have any idea as to their cause.

    1. The Lehigh Valley is an attractive place to live, especially when compared to nearby high-tax, high-regulation areas like NY or NJ.

      I welcome them all, as long as their desire is to be part of the community that apparently attracted them.

      If they're coming here to try to spread the same failed ideas that caused them to leave wherever they're coming from, they can go back and fix their own mess first.

  3. I would like to comment here again, but I want nothing to do with Google, Facebook, and various other social media registrations. These organizations have been improperly handling our personal data and censoring news and opinions that are Conservative.

    Today I want to express my thanks to President Trump for authorizing the declassification of materials related to Spygate and the illegal activities of the Obama administration. Those who have taken the time to research all of this know how close this nation came to losing democracy and the rule of law as our intelligence agencies were weaponized against American citizens. Many of these actors (some still functioning in Washington) are about to face SERIOUS consequences for a failed coup attempt.

    How anyone here can vote for a Democrat Party candidate during the coming national elections is beyond my comprehension. Nasty stuff about to come out.

    Nothing like what you've read in the Morning Call, Express Times, heard on WFMZ, CNN, etc.

    The Democrats want transparency? They are about to get it!

    1. Agree 100% with the point about having to sign in through Google, FaceBook, etc. I want nothing to do with them, and I comment less because of it.

      Maybe that's what they want.

  4. Last week, Allentown School Superintendent Thomas Parker penned an Op-Ed titled “It Cannot Be the Narrative That Allentown Students Deserve Less”.

    In the article he cited the challenges faced by the school district, including the cost of increased services for students who are English learners. He specifically noted that:

    “English learner student enrollment has increased by 60% since 2010-11. Due to a reduction in funding, the district has seen an 11% decrease in English learner staff. The percentage of English learner students in the Allentown School District exceeds the state average by 196%”

    Which makes it all the more frustrating that his school board (apparently without any objection from Parker) has decided that the school district will not comply with ICE to identify people who are in the country illegally.

    We don’t know how many ASD students are here illegally or where they are from, but I think it’s fair to assume that a good percentage likely don’t speak English as their primary language. As Parker notes, this drives up the cost to the district (and taxpayers), and is diverting funding from students who are here legally.

    I’m all for giving our kids the resources they need to succeed, but ASD taxpayers (and state taxpayers that bail ASD out every year) can’t be expected to pay for the world. As with many of the ASD’s financial problems, this is one that is made worse because of the school district itself.

    Until the Allentown School District cleans up their own house, the state shouldn’t give them an additional dime. If the Superintendent doesn’t want to do that, or isn’t capable of doing that, we need another Superintendent.

    1. No matter how much money the 'Government Schools' receive, it's never enough. If they do poorly, they need more money. If they do well, they need more money to continue doing well. They will never have enough money.

      Which makes it all the more frustrating that his school board (apparently without any objection from Parker) has decided that the school district will not comply with ICE to identify people who are in the country illegally.

      In essence, creating more and more 'Dreamers.' Dreamers use the excuse that they can't go back their country of origin - why they don't even know the language. Well send them back now - while they still speak their language.

  5. From what I've read a 3.5% tax increase for A.S.D. is not nearly enough to cover expenses and deficits

  6. According to this morning's MCall, ASD is proud to spend $54,000 for translators for the parents.

    Do you think there was ever a budget for Pennsylvania German kids and their parents to have translators?

  7. Will citizens ever read the truth about Allentown's Neighborhood Improvement District? It's been a MASSIVE LOSER for Pennsylvania taxpayers. Next time Reilly makes the point the district is now producing $2 million dollars more per year in tax revenue than before the NIZ, he really should mention that over all the years it's been in place, a tax deficit hole of about $150 million dollars has been created . . . and the hole is growing every year! The plan won't be "winner" for at least 30 years, if ever.

  8. anon@2:24, when Reilly recently referred to the NIZ being a success, he means for him. He's going full stream ahead, and why not, with diverted Pa. taxes paying his debt service.
