Feb 4, 2019

Crime And Perception In Allentown

An article in this weekend's Morning Call vaunts the statistical decrease in Allentown crime.   Although the numbers may give the local politicians and police chiefs some talking points,  they provide no comfort, what so ever, to the citizens.  Furthermore,  they do nothing to change the perceptions of crime and safety in center city Allentown.

Although I realize that this post will deemed as naysaying by my usual critics,  perception is more important than numbers.  Reporting that homicides dropped from 17 to 12 for last year, says more about bad aim than civility.  The number of stabbings increased.

Crime dipped supposedly all across America.  Here again, when you hear about the number of shooting deaths in Chicago, Detroit, and Baltimore, one must wonder about how meaningful these new crime guidelines actually are.

artwork by Mark Beyer


  1. Mike,

    We have visited this topic before. Two points; many of my Latino acquaintances don't report crime to the police. They don't trust the police, don't see it as worth it, don't want the interaction...

    The second factor is the police in Allentown have generally stopped enforcing, what we call quality of life crimes, noise, disruptive behavior, truancy, loitering on other peoples porches...Because of the influx of new chiefs annually for the past several years and the huge turnover in officers the current force and leadership have no connections with what the residents want. They seemed focused instead on what they see as real crime instead of answering non emergency calls. End result, the quality of life in the downtown and surrounding areas is not desirable or peaceful. Could tell you many stories.

    Don't let the coffee with a cop fool anyone. Who shows up for those? Been there done that. Many of the police in Allentown see only two types of people here in the city, the perps and those who complain about them. They seem t have little sympathy for the latter.

  2. Crime?

    Allentown is essentially a "Sanctuary City", or so said The Morning Call in its article which was entitled, "ICE Lists Lehigh County As Non-Compliant", and printed on March 22, 2017.

    This pick and choose which laws we, the supposed Civilized Society, want to actually enforce is actually quite laughable.

  3. Scott 7:45am
    I suggest you attend a Ward 8 Neighborhood Assoc. meeting to see the other side of your "two points". There you will hear from, and witness, an active community in action, interacting with the police and the city in a positive way!

    "The Old Allentown Curmudgeon"

  4. Good points here. Crime numbers are all about marketing; and yes, perception can be reality. Doubt it? Just ask the average Starbucks customer if they really think $5 for a cup of jo is twice as good as other coffee shops. They long for the perception that they are cool if they drink Starbucks. Does a Coach pocketbook work better than any other?
    On the bright side of the numbers: how many known innocent people were among the shot? Sadly, these days it matters to me.

  5. Paul, I suggest you attend a West Park meeting where I have been active for twenty five years. Please! How many different cops, area captains, cheifs, coffees, community input meetings...all leading to the same result, the police from top to bottom do what they want. I could fill pages with examples of this, but by all means, you go ahead and be optimistic. No sweat, been there, done that.

  6. Scott,
    I have been active 48 years in "block watch groups" up to the 1980's creation of the City Associations ( ever since I returned from Military service overseas).

    There have been, and always will be, problems all around Allentown...Especially, Politically.....Active citizens make a difference. The wife is the "go getter" now.
    Age and health keeps me from being as involved as I used to be......PJF

  7. Paul,

    Then you, as I, witnessed the disintegration of what was once a very active and vibrant network of community groups working together for real change in the city. I remain good friends with Patti Engler, we with other community leaders fought for systematic rental inspections. That fight we took over the heads of a cowardly city council and put the legislation on the ballot. It was an remains the only City ballot initiative. It passed with almost 90 % of the vote. I fought against Afflerbach's dismantling of the city's very successful community police program. I led the effort to get the West Park Neighborhood declared an historic district. Mike will back me up on this because he was my mortal enemy on two of the three issues.
    You may very well have been, and remain a member of the 8th ward Neighborhood Assoc. but honestly, I don't remember you at any city council meeting that I was at(many, many), fighting for rental inspections, protesting the end of the community policing program...

    Why don't you detail what the achievements of the 8th ward neighborhood are for us. I would really like to know. This is not meant as an insult, I just really want to know. I can tell you West Park has survived by keeping its head down and focusing on what it can do without city help because honestly, it's just not there. I can no longer be blamed for that as I am merely a member now not a leader.

    For the past 17 years we have seen the city and our neighborhood decline. I watched many disenchanted community leaders give up, many community groups no longer exist or are mere shadows of their former selves.We have grown accustomed to city administrations and elected officials ignoring us, or at best telling us what we want to hear then doing nothing. Ed was the master of that. We have witnessed the departure of quality city employees that we knew and trusted being replaced by outside hacks who don't know the city, its history, it's advocates, or its needs. Code Enforcement! What a joke! The zoning board has only recently regained some shred of integrity, the planning commission, a joke! I could go on and on Paul.

    So please let us know what the 8th ward has achieved, because the best West Park can do is survive! I insist on seeing the world for what it is, not what I want it to be, that is the only way to find the truth and real solutions.
