Jan 26, 2019

Political Prisoners In America

Diviners of this blog know that I'm conservative, but not partisan.  I recently received a call complaining that my recent posts were too nostalgia driven,  with not enough local politics.  Although, I'm planning to address that complaint in the near future,  today's post takes us national.

As one who does not suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome,  I can still appreciate the theatrics of Trump ending the shutdown, juxtapositioned with the arrest of Roger Stone.  Add Stone doing the Nixon salute,  and the weekend was setup for liberal madness.  I almost expected to see dancing in the streets,  Rio style.  When Stone came out of his arraignment in Fort Lauderdale, and stated that his arrest was political,  while the liberals in the street were shouting lock him up, he seemed to have a point. When the FBI raided his house at 4:30AM, SWAT style, and CNN was there, Stone seemed to have a point.

As I write this early Saturday morning,  I'm sure that the writers at Saturday Night Live are up and at it also, unless they too were tipped off... then they probably started the rehearsals earlier this week.


  1. This, as is most of this process, an orchestrated event, always on a Friday, for maximum exposure, another indictment that has nothing to do with the so called Russian investigation. People are judged guilty by the number of indictments. Where are the civil libertarians, with Muller locking Paul Manafort up in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day. This has been going on for months. If all of these people except maybe Manafort would have taken the fifth and refused to have conversations with these people, they would have been much better off. They probably felt that they did nothing wrong. It would be good advice for anyone to never have conversations with law-enforcement. This inquisition reminds me of the tactics used in the soviet Union during Stalin. Maybe that is what we can expect for anyone who opposes the state. Precedents are being set, while many are celebrating these tactics, they should consider what the future may hold for all of us.

  2. A rare Saturday post, but this sad event is worth breaking precedent. It was a police state spectacle with the compliant media tipped off to act as willing accomplice to lather up the guliblgu masses. This is representative of the sorry and corrupt state of our formerly stellar federal Justice system and media. I give Stone credit for taking on the Leviathan.

  3. Yep, most of this tyrannical government is a result of 8 years of the Obama administration. A new government loaded up with Marxist anti-America totalitarians.
    No regard for individual rights. No respect for different religious beliefs. And absolutely no respect for different political views.
    If it feels like Russia, it's because of all the Marxist totalitarians still imbedded in Justice, FBI, CIA, IRS, Treasury, etc.
    Thank God voters sent Trump to rid us of Obama's dictates. Let's pray he can succeed.
    May God bless the USA.

  4. it’s been fairly well established that Stone corresponded regularly with Wikileaks, an “organization” closely linked to Russian intelligence. So whatever the merits, it can hardly be said this has “nothing to do with Russia” as Stone’s fairly open discussions of this have been central to this process for some time.

  5. Geoff, he is charged with ptocess crimes, which means he committed no crimes until the " investigation" started. The FBI as we now know and understand could charge anyone with similar crimes after multiple interviews. By the way, why aren't hillary and her people charged for these same process crimes? The FBI has admitted they were guilty. Justice applied unequally is not Justice.

  6. Yep, to most people, refusing to turn over 30,000 subpeoned emails, deleting them, scrubbing hard drives, and destroying phones with hammers just might be a crime. Again to most of us simple folks, this seems lots more serious than getting a date wrong in testimony. But the what the hell do we know.

  7. Yeah gads you folks still can't get over the fact your man Trump won despite your accusations against the FBI, Hillary, supposed illegals voting and the so called biased media. Give it up already. What more do you want? Everybody locked up who won't march in lock step?

  8. while the liberals in the street were shouting lock him up--- liberal madness
    Gee where did I hear this before. Thank goodness Trump never incites this kind of stuff, right?

    Who the hell are you kidding saying, "As one who does not suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome". You're far from neutral in all of this. At least I admit it.

  9. LVCI,

    You ask good questions, let me try to answer, Trump won despite the best efforts of the Justice Department, the FISA courts,the FBI, the media, and even the Hillary campaign. We won't give it up because the subversion of the federal government to criminalize and prosecute political opponents is no small thing and something every person of conscience should be alarmed by and demanding a thorough and complete investigation. That clearly isn't happening as both the media and the Democratic Party are perfectly happy with such behavior. Forgive us for being outraged as a result and clearly it isn't the Republicans that want everyone "who won't march in lockstep" locked up. It's your side and you have the Justice department, the FBI, and the media enlisted in the effort. This is no longer deniable.
    The "lock her up" chant was never an attractive feature of any Trump rally and was justly criticized by the left, most of the conservative press, and the media. That said, when the left uses it, in light of the FISA abuses, the political corruption of the FBI and Justice Department it is a far more chilling rant. It surely doesn't take much sensitivity to see that. There clearly is a "Trump Derangement syndrome" and it was on prominent display in all its hideous excesses last weekend.

    It's time for the left to take a good hard look in the mirror, for all of Trump's uncouth, blunt, and insensitive behavior, the actions of the left make him the more rational of the two parties. Many of us support Trump as merely the lesser of two evils. I and many others on the right tolerate Trump merely because he is all that stands between us and a truly radicalized, angry, intolerant, and ugly Democratic Party and media. As soon as you guys figure that out, get your party back to the middle, the sooner America will return to whatever we call normal.

  10. For all of Ms. Clinton's faults, I don't believe anyone has ever accused her of having a transactional relationship with Russian intelligence officers. That is, as they say, a distinction with a difference.

    I guess you have to wait for the other shoe to drop.

    That a party once known for its commitment to freedom in Eastern Europe can now think things like this are even remotely OK is truly tragic.

  11. You are kidding right? Uranium one deal. Study up next time.

  12. Just search Hillary Russia connections. This demonstrates something important, while conservatives/Republicans live in a liberal media universe liberals themselves live in their own comfortable media bubble that withholds news it doesn't want to report. Such as the many connections between Hillary and Bill and the Russians regarding the Uranium One deal. This is by no means the only illegal, questionable, oily... actions Hillary and her people engaged but many liberals are in the dark on it all because it is either never reported of pooh-poohed by NBC, PBS,NPR,ABC...

    Liberals should dare to seek out alternative news but many proudly don't. And they think they are so smart. Funny.

  13. To me, this represents the decay of our system of government.

    It's very apparent: investigate the duly elected president from day one. A desire to 'get rid of him' because he's not part of the swamp. Then we have the Congress. A witch trial for a Supreme Court Justice. The Left's refusal to stop illegal immigration into our country where they are given automatic entitlements. Will not address significant immigration reform. We haven't had a budget in years. The inability to compromise (both parties). Congress can't address significant ideas in a meaningful way - hasn't gotten anything done that is meaningful in years. Now the FBI / CIA / NSA are running a phantom government / spying / collecting data from citizens.

    All we can hope for is that these events are the fuel for the 'great reset'.

  14. Thru out the Mueller investigation I can't understand why reasonably intelligent people would agree to be interviewed by the F.B.I. let alone answer any questions. This is 'Law and Order' 101 NEVER answer the authorities questions

  15. Stone is a best-selling author, and writer of other forms...in addition to his political consulting and needling. That puts him squarely in the real of the sainted "journalist." Any research with Wikileakes would be Pulitzer-worthy if done by the NY Times, WashPo, etc.
    Where is the media not complaining about freedom of the press?

  16. C'mon man...Uranium One? Even Shep Smith and Fox News gave up on that one. Although maybe someone can write a book about the vast conspiracy within the Trump Administration that has resulted in no charges in two years, despite likely improper Presidential goading.

    Transactional relationships with Russian intelligence officers...think about that. Are we really OK with that?

  17. Geoff, denial isn't logic. Shep Smith is a news reader, do you believe everything news readers say? The Wall Street Journal has reported on the Unianium One deal and the transaction activities related to that. Why not search that and report back.

  18. To quote THE WALL STREET JOURNAL-- ".. by the way, Russia cannot cart a U.S. uranium mine back to Russia. If its national security were ever jeopardized, the U.S. could always seize the mine. So that’s not an issue."

  19. POLITIFACT reported "Russia doesn’t have a license to export uranium outside the United States, so, as Oilprice.com noted, "it’s somewhat disingenuous to say this uranium is now Russia’s, to do with what it pleases."

    So did a bunch of others including the NRC. But in Hannity and Trump's world facts don't matter.

  20. One last thing should be noted it's "medical grade uranium".

  21. Republicans have had almost three dozen hearings concerning Hillary. What became of them? Forget about Hillary she's a nothing burger in the upcoming presidential elections along with Biden and Bernie Sanders. All three are washed up. So what's the point of rehashing the same old tired talking points?

    Both Democrats and Republicans would be better off refocusing on just about anyone else other then Trump or any of these other three. I think America's sick of the lot of them.

  22. LVCI:
    Seize a Russian-owned mine = an act of war.
    You think Russia is concerned about whether it has a license or not to sell on the black market?
    Medical grade uranium? Kinda like marijuana has no long-lasting health effects.

  23. LVCI,

    How convenient you forgot to mention this NTY's article,"
    Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal". Read it! It's very damning and it's no surprise nothing became of the story. As we now know the those who should have investigated it, the Justice Department and the FBI were and remain thoroughly corrupted by people putting politics instead of integrity. That tendency has filtered down and permeated to the media and many rank and file Democrats. Shocking(note sarcasm) to see that happening here.That takes me back to an earlier post on this same thread, Republicans know what Democrats think, what they believe and what their news sources tell them. We can't escape it,it passes for mainstream news now. Conversely, those who lie to think of themselves as enlightened are instead in the dark and many subjects because they rely on the mainstream media to keep them informed. And the Republicans are the mind numbed robots, the lock step thinkers? Hardly, most conservatives, myself included started out on the left. Only by daring to question what I was being told and investigating did my thinking evolve. Too few on the left are willing to read what "the others" believe and wear that as a badge of honor. It is in fact no such thing. I raised two boys, both developed political opinion as adults. My advice to them was to read only what those who believe differently than you write. That is good advice for anyone.

  24. Poor Trump snowflakes, can't see the end of the movie coming.

    1. Trump didn't "end" the Shutdown. Senators and air control traffic operators did. There are few things more dangerous than getting between politicians and their flights out of Washington on a Thursday afternoon. Once the flight controllers started taking sick leave en mass and Senators (as opposed to just civilians) couldn't leave town assured of non delays & safety, seven Republican Senators read the riot act to McDonnell & Trump that the Repugs could be in danger of losing the next Senate vote on the Shutdown.

    2. Uranium deal all nonsense. Canadian company can do what it wants. Capital flows from where it originates; today it flows from Arab & Russian & Chinese billionaires who either own in their name or via surrogates. As far as energy goes, Russia is a net EXPORTER of gas, oil & uranium. Outside of Africa, Russia has the largest reserves of uranium in the world. Nuclear power plants worldwide are on the decline, and uranium for weapons is not the problem......rather, the awaited technology advances in modernizing nuclear weapons has nothing to do with procuring uranium, it is in the continuing miniaturization & advancement of delivery systems.

    2. Stone is a dead duck not because fellow Repugs ratted on him, but, because the arrogant dummy employed emails & the telephone to contact Russian intelligence cutouts and liaison with Trump campaign officials. Since NSA & the intelligence community know who the Kremlin employs as cutouts & fronts & "useful idiots" they have Stone on tape & emails communicating with same.

    3. All crimes can be said to be "process," that is simply sophistry, like saying "collusion" is not a crime, when the technical charge is conspiracy; "collusion" is simply the vernacular for the same thing.

    4. Stone and Trump campaign officials thought they were safe because Trump/Republicans controlled the Congress/Courts/DOJ and White House. With Nunes running the House "investigation" they could lie and face no consequences. With gerrymandering & voter suppression they never dreamed they could lose the house. With talk radio & Fox TV they felt the non stop BS from Guiliani/Conway, Huckelbe Sanders, Russ, Coulter, Hannity et. al. could counter Mueller, especially since there were no leaks or comments from the Special Counsel.


  25. 5. BUT, they lost the House, so, the shield protecting them from scrutiny is gone. Their perjury is now ripe for Mueller's grand jury to review and issue indictments.

    6. After the war, the defense from top Nazis was essentially that there were NO NAZIS in Germany, save for Hitler. No one else knew anything & just followed orders. Hence, Guilani's & Christie's latest twist, in reversing that paradigm....that maybe everybody else in Trump's orbit engaged with Russians and were just useful idiots, but, Trump himself never knew about anything! Nixon tried that strategy by firing Halderman & Erlichman his Chief of staffs and erasing 18 minutes from a tape, but, no one bought it.

    7. But, then there was no Fox Noise or Reich talk radio of consequence, and Democrats controlled Congress. If it were today, Nixon probably wouldn't have resigned with that going for him. Today, Trump has probably close to 40% of the electorate and the Senate is in Repug hands. Thus, Congress won't decide his fate; the electorate in 2020 will. Everybody in the Trump orbit will go to jail, and the electorate will have to decide if re-electing him warrants their vote.

    8. If the dummy Dems nominate a woman (unelectable in the US) or another liberal third party candidate runs like in 2016 (splitting the anti-Trump vote), then that ensures him victory. However, if Trump is polling below 40% by Spring 2020 he drops out, so that he can go out in his mind a "Winner" and blame the 2020 loss on whomever the Repug nominee is. In a straight just two man race, the Dem wins and shaves the Repug Senate majority back to 51, while they maintain a comfortable House majority.

  26. Trent,

    Thanks again for providing the media/liberal narrative, as a conservative I, and other conservatives, already know it and nothing you said surprises me/us as you are merely repeating what you have been told, over and over again by your media sources that are very familiar to us.

    Mother Jones, The Nation, Salon, Politico,MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, The Washington Post, The New York Times,The Atlantic, Rolling Stone, The Daily Beast, The Morning Call....Yes, we are familiar with these, I, as you, routinely read through them.

    By the way, why the need to insult? That undermines any argument you are attempting to craft and makes you appear angry and even unhinged.

    It really is possible to respect disagreement, try it sometime.
