Jan 8, 2019

An American Prism

American women are rightly beaming from this past election. We have seen dozens of pictures of the new congresswomen together, including Susan Wild, from our new 7th District.

We, as Americans, all have our own prisms.  The prisms, among other variables, are gender, race and ethnicity. Americans of Jewish and Arab backgrounds will see the middle east through different prisms. .

Among the new women in congress is Rashida Tlaib, from Detroit, Michigan. Tlaib has received national publicity for her statement about impeaching Donald Trump.  That statement doesn't faze me... it is a sentiment shared by many women, and men. Ms. Tlaib believes in a one state solution for Palestine... That means no Israel.  That statement does bother me, greatly.

It is my hope that Ms. Wild, in her enthusiasm for the blue women's wave,  realizes that Israel should be an issue which sharply separates her from the Michigan representative.  Rashida Tlaib is of Palestinian descent, and her focused support for a Palestinian state, alongside of Israel, would be fully understood.  However, I hope that Susan Wild appreciates that an advocate for Israel's dismantling can be no partner.


  1. Seems a forlorn hope at best. The democDemoc Party has moved into dangerous and radical directions. Pro miitary intervention, anti Israel, open borders, punitive taxation, and slash and burn partisanship.

  2. Maybe in Motown mofu is part of that city's language of colour. But she is on a national stage now. Dem leadership should speak out against such crude offensive language.
    While they claim to be the party of caring about issues like womens rights, lgbtq issues and childrens rights. I never hear them speak against a muslim world that treats women like dogs, condones child marriage, and throws gays to death off buildings.
    Don't expect to hear Dem leadership to defend Israel either. Besides they already have the Jewish vote. And the Muslims are growing like rabbits.

  3. All of Michigan must be so proud of its new Jihadi Congressperson, who seems more interested in solving 'Palestine's' problems as compared to, say, Detroit's.

    Bring on your Impeachment Proceedings, dopey Democrat Party.

    Too bad Mueller's Investigation In Search Of A Crime is never ending.



  4. I believe and trust that, as a committed Jew with string ties to the Jewish community, Susan Wild will defend the State of Israel.

  5. I missed Ms. Wild's statement condemning Ms.Tiaib's anti-Israel position.
