Nov 16, 2018

Congratulations Congresswoman Wild

As I posted before the election, I'm not much for making endorsements. Although, I did make two recommendations, neither was for the congressional race. Considering that Susan Wild will be representing us come January for two years, I'm glad that she also won the special election to fill Dent's remaining 6 weeks... It will provide continuity for both Congresswoman Wild and the voters. 

In her special election victory she defied some local pundits, who assumed that the temporary seat in the old 15th District would remain in Republican hands. In this bloggers opinion, the dual victory seals the legitimacy of her victory, regardless of redistricting.

 Congresswoman Wild, congratulations.

photocredit:Rick Kintzel/The Morning Call


  1. received from Scott Armstrong

    can you post this for me?

    Without redistricting the national and state Republican committees would have worked to save the seat for the Republicans. With redistricting they bailed on it and Marty was left high and dry, conversely the Democrats smelled blood and poured resources into the races. Susan Wilde had nothing to do with either victory, a Democratic left shoe could have won both races under these circumstances.

    using my wife's computer but it does not recognize my google account

    Scott Armstrong

  2. ....except in the case of the 15th CD Tim Silfies nearly 9,000 votes really did serve as a spoiler. No doubt Marty would have garnered the lions' share of those votes.

  3. Josh@10:31, Tim had about the same percentage in both the regular and special, about 3%. as someone who ran himself twice as an independent, I wince when I hear spoiler

    besides for his and party ego, I don't see what a Nothstein victory in special, while losing the regular, would have benefited the voters.

  4. Susan Wild benefited from the same demographic forces that helped Dems in red districts in Penna. (and elsewhere) this educated women repulsed by Trump/GOP policies, especially with regard to healthcare & education.

    Even Dent, popular with Dems, figured he wouldn't survive the combination of The Woman's Year plus a Blue Wave. Redistricting had nothing to do with her victory.

    Senator Toomey will need a third party progressive candidate to split the vote if he hopes to be re-elected in Penna.

  5. My understanding is that Wild won the new 7th District by a sum that Tim's votes would not have affected. The 15th vote, however, might have reversed if not for Tim's votes. Matters not much, for sure. Frankly, if Tim had any chance I would have voted for him. And as someone who campaigned for Senator James Buckley, of the New York Conservative Party, back in 1970, I appreciate the role of 3rd party candidates.....with a reasonable chance to win. Ironically, I subscribe to the William F. Buckley "rule" that I vote for the most conservative candidate with a change to win.

  6. Yes, of course. We all know how much of a horrible, rotten person Donald Trump is. Mostly because we are consistently and constantly told as much 24/7/365 thanks to the Lame Stream Media (yes, those same people with such low approval poll numbers, to speak nothing of such not so scintillating TV ratings). I wish new Congressperson Susan Wild nothing but the best of luck with all the witch hunts, um, er, ah, extremely partisan, um, er, ah, important investigations.

    Vorwaerts zum Sieg, Genossen!



  7. The redistricting made a huge difference, it changed the map and the dynamic of the election. That's why the Democrats pushed it. It's really that simple.

  8. With all the media gnashing of teeth about 'stealing elections' one would think there might have been at least a little discussion of the Pennsylvania Democrat-lead Supreme Court's unconstitutional power grab by doing its own redistricting map...with a little help from the governor. The Constitution clearly puts that in the hands of the state legislatures. Once again, liberals use the courts to advance an agenda they can't advance through the will of the people. We are doomed.

  9. Exactly, and our spineless state repuRepubli again gailed to act.
