Oct 31, 2018

The Morning Call's Washington Post Article

The Morning Call published The Washington Post's article criticizing Trump for visiting the Pittsburgh Synagogue. The Post wrote.... President Donald Trump visited this grief-stricken city Tuesday, amid accusations that he and his administration continue to fuel the anti-Semitism that inspired Saturday's massacre inside a synagogue....It is completely political, partisan and improper to link Trump to anti-semitism and the shooting.

The rabbi of the congregation had the good graces to welcome the president and say.."Hate is not political,It is not blue or red, it's not male or female, it doesn't know any of those divisions."

The two quotes above were taken from last night's version of the story. By this morning, the Post decided to remove the rabbi's statement... I suppose that they would rather give the impression that every Jew in Pittsburgh was offended by Trump's visit.

Facebook is full of memes with people united against anti-semitism, even Jews are using the meme.... That's hard for me to understand,  as a Jew, that was always a given.  For me it is also a given that Trump stands with the Jews.


  1. While a college student at NYU I really enjoyed getting a first print of the NY Times around midnite. I could really get a jump on the news of the world. The NY Times years ago caused my lifelong news junkie life.

    Sadly over the past few decades I have learned that some news sources have become so biased that they are no longer credible. The Washington Post and NY Times in particular have become so anti American I can only read them with suspicion and lately with contempt.

    President Trump has correctly labeled them "fake news". Hopefully his shining the Presidential Light on them will help expose them for the frauds they have become.

    The same can be said for tv news too. If I want to know what is wrong with America, I can quickly turn on CNN or MSNBC. They speak with so much rage and anger it is over the top negative.

    It's very sad to see the pillars of news authority to keep causing me to question everything I hear and as you pointed out, everything I don't hear too.

    Bring back my news. Help make America Great Great Again.

  2. Again Mike, the press/Democrats will damn Trump whether he does or doesn't, speaks or not, stays or leaves, smiles or frowns...Imagine the new one they would be ripping him today if he didn't, go and grieve for the nation as President.

    His critics are once again making themselves look bad. They are in the eyes of many Americans the real problem.

  3. Hey what does everybody want? We all know that white people who are neither Jewish nor vote for the Democrat Party absolutely suck. It's the new normal here in Barack Hussein 0bama's Post Modern America!




  4. I see many factors causing the current political / social environment.

    We should have never let the universities get taken over by leftists. The other education mistake is government schools. The leftism of the universities has now infected the public schools, that have been turned into indoctrination / political correctness / re-education camps.

    Another contributor are the Democrats that have tried to build a party based on give-a-ways, race, gender, mass illegal immigration, and identity politics.

    The last contributor is 24 hour news and the internet. In order to stay relevant the 'media' needs to continually invent news - even where there is none. Most of the news is 'interest stories', 'ain't it awful ... stories, and 'look at this injustice ....'.

    It seems to me psychologically conservatives don't get whipped up. Look at all the leftist demonstrations - like the one in Pittsburgh. Why would anyone waste their time demonstrating? Don't these people have jobs? How did they all get there?

    What I conclude is that liberals / leftists are much easier to manipulate. Thus much of the media caters to their POV, in order to gain readership. What an easy way to please them? Blame Trump for everything, even if its a non sequitur.

    I'm not sure most of the newspapers and media can recover. They may be doomed to becoming National Inquirer like.

  5. MM, the fact remains the moronic gag and its administrative personnel have created the edited out news. For the most part the three big eazyz are fake news and cash in on advertisements and not only for local merchants?
