Oct 4, 2018

Reconvening WPA Group

Karen El-Chaar, new director of the Allentown Park System, has asked if I would reconvene the WPA group I started in 2011. She is interested in cataloging an inventory of all structures built by the WPA, something which Allentown apparently doesn't have.

In yesterday's post, which was written in 2015, I concluded by saying that I was optimistic that Allentown would continue repairing the iconic structures. Actually, that optimism turned out to be unfounded, as nothing more was done. However, I am now again encouraged about the future. Karen El-Chaar does have an appreciation of the structures and their importance in the parks, something which all her predecessors lacked.

I invite my former committee members to contact me, and anyone else interested in this important endeavor.

In the photo above,  El-Chaar and I are standing in front of the double stairwell in Lehigh Parkway.  That structure is in need of repair.  Director El-Chaar will attend our upcoming meeting when scheduled.

molovinsky on allentown is published weekdays Monday thru Friday. Comments are accepted using your name or by establishing a pseudonym. Pseudonym identities remain unknown to both myself and other readers.

1 comment:

  1. That is very encouraging news! She is VERY lucky to have you as a resource, and the parks & Allentown are the benefactors of your continued and persistent advocacy. Thank you!
