Oct 12, 2018

Kanye West and Allentown

Dealing with troll like behavior, unfortunately, has become part of the blogosphere. One such person calls himself SPEEDSTR21. He believes that I report on black crime, but not so much on white crime. I tried to explain to him a few times that I do not report on crime at all, white or black.
But, because I did post about the protests by local NAACP and The Road To Pennsylvania (Hispanic group from Reading), surely I must be a practicing bigot. He doesn't seem to grasp that the protests have a political aspect that interest me, but not crimes per se. Although I started deleting his comments,  it doesn't deter him from sending them, usually in clusters.

I hope SPEEDSTR21 watched Kanye West at the White House yesterday. Although West acknowledges that police abuse is a reality, his main message was one of victim mentality. When I attended the Hip Hop Panel sponsored by the local NAACP last year, a theme was that black performers were not profiting from that genre, instead it was white promoters making the money.  I think that Kanye would take exception with that premise. I do know that SPEEDSTR21 squanders his energy worrying about this blog. I do not purport to understand the black condition in Allentown or anywhere else,  but sense that Kanye West has a message from which they might benefit.


  1. Lol, I am glad you have no problem with an entertainer speaking their mind. This must not be a shut up and dribble moment..... Again you are trying to push your weak agenda. Try harder bud.

  2. speedstr, rather than opine on my message, i would prefer your opinion of west's message. this blog does not have the influence to either repress or propel the local minority community. already CNN is trying to marginalize west by don lemon calling it a minstrel show.

    1. Prove it. How many negative minority stories do you have? You just don't see it. I am actually sitting back feeling sorry for you. Little old man that can't even notice, or remember what he writes.

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  3. I think I just posted on 6 of your none crime stories. Care to retract? Are you man enough?

  4. speed, you actually posted 10 comments on 7 different posts in the last 11 minutes. do you have anything to say about victim mentality?

    1. Looks like you are ignoring the point I just made. Wasn't this blog about you being a victim? What about that talk about not posting crime? Again care to retract?

  5. speed@6:03, if my mission was to report about crimes committed by minority people, i could have a column everyday. i do not report on the police blotter, neither on whites or blacks arrested. i do write about protests; that is why i wrote about both the south whitehall dorney park shooting, and the guy who challenged the cop to a fight and was pushed down. although both those incidents involved people of color, that was not what drew my attention.

    this blog post is not about me being a victim of your trolling. it is about victim mentality in the minority community.

    1. Michael, you sure are correct in saying, if your mission was to report about crimes committed by "minority people" which in this case, we all know who you are speaking of, you would have a column every day. You would DEFINITELY have a column every day!

  6. Oh so once again you are trying to use one person to paint a picture of the minority community. Hmmmm, that is interesting. Again you had the biggest new in Allentown, as soon as you found out they looked like you it wasn't reported. It is ok. I understand. You can continue to lie to yourself, like I said it is getting a little sad. But again funny how you can mention you would have a column everyday reporting on minorities. That wouldn't be the same for whites correct? I call this the corner bud.

  7. speed, i've been too gentle with you.

    I didn't report on the explosion because I do not consider this a news site or a crime site.

    yes speed, i think that it's safe to say that among people arrested everyday, there are minorities (and whites)

    you suffer from the victim mentality

    unless your future repetitive comments are more meaningful, they will have a limited shelf life.

    1. I am suffering from a victim mentality but you can't explain why you have posted on crime before. You got called out and it hit home. Gentle with me... lmao Sitsown old man. You can hardly entertain an audiance. Victim while he cries on his "victim" blog. Lol 😂😂😂😂

  8. Impugn, ridicule, heckle... rather than engage in an honest conversation. Too many on the left think that is the way to win an argument or persuade. We saw it all last week at the Kavanaugh hearings, shrieking, temper tantrum, get in your face mob actions all designed to effect results. That's not persuasive, it's not smart, it's the actions of the angry intolerant left.We experience it here online, sometimes in person, we know what we are talking about.

    Funny, they think they are the good guys when the truth is they are just angry intolerant people.

    1. Awww, it's a liberal tear guy. When someone doesn't say what you like to hear you call them a "liberal" big guy? So sad what a puppet. Maybe you should be sending more of your time on this terrorism in Allentown. Its getting out of control.

  9. Mike,

    One thought on Kanya West's(I have no idea who he is) white house visit, one reason African Americans might be leaving the Democratic Party could be because they see the Democratic Party has become a party of elite, rich, angry, American hating, self loathing white people who are pushing an agenda they no longer relate to or is irrelevant to their life and needs.

  10. Speedster, thanks for providing more of what we have come to expect from the left these days.

    1. Thank for being who you truly are bud. Everyone is "left" lol. I guess that makes you feel more "right" Dont worry, it might take you awhile to catch that.

  11. "self-loathing white people"

    Marking down which white people are with you and which aren't, are we?

  12. Bob,

    Republicans believe people are people, we aren't into the tribalism of the left.

  13. although kanye west did mention the democratic party in regard to victim mentality, to me it is neither a democrat or republican consequence, nor is it left or right, liberal or conservative. likewise, my interest does not pertain to his support of trump, or the voting patterns of minorities.

    the important take away to me was kanye's endorsement of engaging in enterprise, not victimhood.

  14. Police brutality--minority victims??? Please see basic facts as reported daily in Chicago at HEYJACKASS.COM
    As of today for 2018 Chicago murders 359 blacks, 59 spanish speakers, 33 whites. Cops killed 4 people.
    Seems like people in the hood in Chicago have little to fear from cops compared to all the criminals in the hood.
    Pres Obama can build his multi million dollar shrine/library in this Democratic run city. He and his fellow liberal really care about the 418 minorities murdered so far inin 2018.
    Actually nobody really gives a shit because its just blacks and spanish speakers killing each other.
    But we all have to hear about every cop killing a minority. So far 4 this year.
    Give me a fricking break. Do black lives matter---really!!!!

    1. Hey Michael, I am sure you find nothing wrong with this bigots post. Keep protecting people that look like you.

  15. speed@1:20, i'm not responsible for your posts or don's. i believe that black lives do matter. that said, i do think that the black community should concern itself more with black on black crime

  16. Everybody should take a moment and read amazing murder statistics presented on this detailed website. You are less likely to be killed if you are a soldier in Afghanistan than a resident of the this hood.
    Facts are not biggoted. They are just facts. I think ALL LIVES MATTER, and that's an opinion.
    When I comment about the murders and mayhem in Chicago my white liberal friends and family always dismiss it and say it's just a bunch of crazed drug addicts and gangs. They never show any concern for the dead and maimed. They're just people in the hood. Seems like they are talking about rats.
    So when I hear or read the news it sounds like cops are taking aim on minorities. Nationwide biggotry from cops. The liberals are outraged with cop behavior. Yet a 10 year old black girl doing her homework at a kitchen table gets killed by a bullet from the hood and it does'nt make a headline.
    I ain't that great with English but I think this is called Hypocracy.
    So if your man enough take a moment and see for yourself what its like to live in the black neighborhoods of Chicago.

  17. Mike, are you responsible for crimes committed by other Jews? Of course not! And if I said you were, and I proclaimed myself the speaker of candid, non-politically correct truths, you'd think that was odd and offensive.

    Yet you persist with the canard that law-abiding people of color should be responsible for crimes committed by lawbreakers of color.

  18. Bob@4:23, i don't persist with anything. SpeedSTR has persisted in dozens of comments that i'm bigoted because i report on black crime, but not white crime. That accusation isn't remotely true. I explained to him that I posted about protests, but not about arrests and crimes per se. I agreed with another commenter who voiced the opinion that blacks should be more concerned with black on black crime......but that is not persisting with a canard

  19. It is a falsehood that all people of color are responsible for the bad behavior of the individuals of the same race who break the law. You've voiced the opinion before, and you've re-affirmed it here. Therefore yes, you are persisting with a canard.

  20. Bob, i didn't voice that opinion before, nor have i re-affirmed it here. talking of falsehoods, next time you assert one about me I will delete it.

  21. You wrote: "i do think that the black community should concern itself more with black on black crime"

  22. I too am commenting on protesters and news coverage. It is difficult to understand why a black man (male) would carry a sign saying "BLACK LIVES MATTER" protesting against police.
    Based on the mayhem and murder in a black hood, this black man should protst the police for 1% of his time and his black neighborhood criminals for 99% of his time.
    And that "BLACK LIVES MATTER" sign he carries is sponsored by the same named group whose core mission is to eliminate men in families. They want to destroy nuclear families and replace them with a village of women with children---no men needed.
    Don't beieve me?---look up this group. It's all available on their website.

  23. bob, that is not remotely saying what you accused me of. i agreed with someone that they should be more concerned about it, far different than saying that they're responsible. remember this dialogue started with a protest over a minority police officer pushing a minority person, who challenged him to a fight.

  24. I will leave this here. I called you out on not reporting on white crimes, you told me don't report on crimes. Did I prove this wrong yes or no Michael?

  25. I worry about the President's 'interest' in criminal justice 'reform' is nothing more than letting drug dealers back on the street early.

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  26. no speed you didn't prove me wrong, you proved yourself a troll

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  27. I apologize for bringing the discussion back on topic but I would like to address the left's over the top reaction to Kanye. While liberals normally exalt the opinions of celebrities and sports figures as being more valid than ours, that only applies as long as the celebrity in question spouts the appropriate liberal dogma. I seem to recall that liberals loved Kanye when he was bashing George W Bush a few years ago, but they make racist comments about him and even question his sanity because he said something in support of Donald Trump. Why the double standard? The answer is simple. After they made the conscious decision to abandon the White working class voter, Democrats have put all their eggs in the minority voter basket. However, the record low Back unemployment as well as Donald Trump's rising popularity rating among blacks has them worried. They rely on 90% of black voters supporting them. If there is any erosion in that support the Democrats are in big trouble. An influential troublemaker like Kanye leaving the plantation and possibly taking others with him, is a clear and present danger to their hopes of ever acquiring power and must be dealt with swiftly.

  28. Mr. STR21 has no problem repeating the the term “old man” in what I I interpret as an agist slur. I suppose I should laud his restraint in not referring to this blogs host as an old Jew.
    Who said chivalry was dead?
