Sep 17, 2018

Roughing Up Nothstein

Although it may not have been intentional, The Morning Call roughed up Nothstein this past week with a one-two punch.  First they did an article on the Monmouth Poll putting Wild ahead.  That's fair, assuming the poll is legitimate,  but they couldn't refrain from mentioning allegations against Nothstein, which they later in the article revealed have been dismissed.  Besides demeaning a candidate, why keep rehashing any allegation which was determined to have no substaniation?  The second consecutive blow was about contributions to female candidates,  which of course excluded Nothstein getting any equal press attention.

While the second article may have been innocent enough,  following the first,  it gave one candidate a press push over the other.  As a former candidate myself who was treated  unfairly by The Morning Call in 2005,  I remain sensitive about equal press treatment.

Of course now in this era of Trump,  perhaps equal treatment is a passé concept. We're in an era when senators want to hold up a judicial appointment because of an alleged high school groping incident.


  1. Because of their blatant partisan reporting most of us no longer subscribe to the Morning Call. Nothing they do surprises anyone anymore, same goes for most of the press these days. They have forever lost their credibility with most of America. A tragic loss for both sides.

    The same goes for the Democratic Party.They and the media are one and the same.

  2. I am so sick and tired of the Woman Card thing. Someone should tell Serena that not only have Men been the victims of referees' decisions since the beginning of organized Sport, but her efforts to bully that innocent Japanese girl and everyone else involved were exceptionally unbecoming, most particularly from a tennis player. At least Hillary lost, thank God!

    There seems to be little, if any, difference and/or distinction between Empowerment and Entitlement here in Obama's Post Modern America ... and I can state for a fact that I am not THE only person on the planet who happens to be of this opinion.

    Too bad there are no Woodward or Bernstein types down at The Morning Call to ask successful lawyer Susan Wild probing questions like what she knew and when she knew it? Or what she might have payed in order to have played down at the 47-times convicted felon Pawlowski's City Hall? But, hey, whatever.

    It's such a lovely day and all.


  3. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court made this possible. The Democrats are all in this election cycle to insure a majority in the House so they can pass articles of Impeachment against President Trump.

    Getting Wild elected is part of that agenda. The end justifies the means, including any and all allegations that can be made against Northstein, just throw the mud and turn out the reliable voters to insure Wild can vote against Trump.

    Any other issue is just window dressing. Masking their true agenda for 2018. The removal of a duly-elected President of the United States.

  4. If the incident isn't important enough to report it, in a timely manner - then it is not important to the accuser. Unreported happenings 20-35 years ago are a very convenient way of slandering an opponent with a different political view.

  5. I'd be happy if the Morning Call would just disclose that their law firm is Gross McGinley, LLP, which just so happens to be Wild's law firm.

    That's a convenient "coincidence" that readers might want to know when evaluating the Call's reporting on the race.

  6. Our swamp is just like DC's....which includes the collusion of the local media.
