Aug 16, 2018

Trump Protesters Speak Independently In Unison?

The editor of the Boston Globe opinion page, Majorie Pritchard,  about two weeks ago asked all papers across the country to join her on August 16th and let President Trump know that the press isn't the enemy of the people. In reality it was just an organized attack against Trump, which many papers have been doing separately for two years anyway.

Apparently, Ms. Pritchard sees no contradiction between protecting an independent press, and all the newspapers printing essentially the same thing at the same time.

Even though the Morning Call is between editors, they couldn't resist participating.  Never mind the local sacred cows that they routinely protect.  Here in the local blogosphere, Bernie O'Hare's Lehigh Valley Schadenfreude joined the chorus of Trump protesters.

ADDENDUM: O'Hare had a problem with me calling his blog schadenfreude.  Last night in his comment section he wrote.... appears regularly on Molovinsky's blog, where the racists congregate. That distortion is his attempt to marginalize this blog. In reality,  O'Hare does promote schadenfreude by taunting favorite targets, and then submitting them to anonymous comments. His news is tailored to compliment those (politicians) he likes, and bash their opponents.


  1. I read BOH's anti-Trump summation on the press and expected nothing less from this partisan agent of the democratic party. Somethings the President does do not excite me at all, however, he has almost fulfilled all of his campaign promises, turned the economy around, started rebuilding the military, attacks illegal immigration and tells it like it is.

    Our previous Presidents were non-transparent under the guise of national security and the press did nothing about this. The liberal media has taken an anti-Trump stand from the beginning. [I guess they take some responsibility for crooked Hillary's loss]. All the major newspaper outlets are owned by bias, partisan and liberal people who rather see America fail than succeed. I have turned to other sources for news and refuse to support rags that ridicule our President.

  2. If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there does it make a sound?

    Remember this philosophical thought question? Well the same can be applied to today's coordinated newspaper editorials against President Trump. The question for today is; if America's mainstream media belches in unison it's usual anti Trump tirade does anyone care?


  3. Trump should realize that at least every so often it's just not about him. His inability to make this crucial distinction, which normal people make on a daily, nay hourly, basis, is due to his egomania.

  4. Strength in numbers of just marching in ideological lockstep?

    The latter, I think.

  5. You see now what REAL collusion looks like...

    And the thing about it is all of what they put in their editorials is what they perceive the horrors will be. Why don't they just grow up and look at the results? Ahh, that is right, they are news people... problem is that profession has changed in the last couple decades where it once reported what has happened, today they think being news people means that they create the news with their opinions.

  6. Here in Allentown the Morning Call should worry first about their own lack of candor. They do not print anything contrary to the local sacred cows which they shield, i.e., the NIZ, the Wildlands Conservancy, etc. They even had the nerve to praise someone like Wally Ely, while suppressing his op-ed submission about the condition of the park system.

  7. The fundamental problem is that We The People are simply not anywhere near as stupid as the Democrat Party mouthpiece that is the Lame Stream Media simply need We The People to be.

    Perhaps if Bernie Sanders had not been stabbed in the back or if CNN's Donna Brazile had not gotten caught giving away the debate questions in advance, then the nation would not be dealing with the Trump Derangement Syndrome epidemic.

    Surely, now that Agent Smirk has been fired by the FBI, the Mueller Witch Hunt must end immediately.


  8. With the advent of 24/7 news - there is simply not enough news to fill all this time. Newspapers were once partially supported by advertisements and classifieds. This has all changed with the advent of the internet and sites like Craig's List, Linked-In, eBay, etc.

    Thus the media is fighting to be relevant. With this struggle they have invented 'fake news'. If you read the NYT / Washington Post, there are many, many articles that contain the phrase "informed sources".

    IMO, the media is largely responsible for creating this circus like environment.

  9. Yours is such an unbiased opinion. Next will be blogs.
    Support Newspeak Michael.
    Sounds like sour grapes from a blog writer that no paper would hire.

  10. Valerie @2:32, I saw the video of you yelling at the Support The Blue people. you might consider anger management. I never sought a job with a paper, but would appreciate them reporting the local news without their agenda of shielding local sacred cows.

  11. MM, the hypes the local prints are just like the nue drug flakka. Those that still read rags can and will be spoon fead false narrative designs, keeping the inner city zombies dancing.
    Sometimes even out in the blogosphere the blog administrators delete truths with reel names.

  12. Thanks Val for your valuable contribution on why thinking Americans should vote straight R this November. Keep up the good work, we are counting on you.
